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2000 Chinese Moon Festival
Provides the date of Chinese Moon Festival on Year 2000 and shares the legends related to it.
China - A Country Study
Overview of life, history, and culture by the US Library of Congress.
China - An Inner Realm
The Chinese call their country Zhong Guo, which means middle country. That's because they used to think it was the center of the earth. Read about the people, the culture, the land and environment, the history, and the languages at this site.
China in the Electronic Passport
Describes Chinese life in the 20th century.
China Virtual Tours
Explore China's most famous tourist attractions.
China's Golden Past
Learn more about China's first emperor, the great wall, and the Ming Dynasty.
Chinese Healing Arts
An interactive venture into the world of Chinese medicine. Includes a look at both common practices and the philosophy behind them.
Chinese Museum, Melbourne
This museum in Melbourne exhibits Chinese Australian history and culture. See a map of Chinatown or find out about visiting the museum.
Christmas in China
Discover how the Chinese celebrate this international holiday.
CIA World Factbook: China
Features a map and brief descriptions of geography, economy, government, and people.
Discovering China
Includes info on Chinese food, numbers, zodiac, kites, silkworms, pandas and The Great Wall.
Discovering China
ThinkQuest site explores China's past and present. Find out how the cultural revolution forever changed the world's largest nation, and meet the men and women known as China's "movers and shakers."
Global Gazette
International student newspaper focusing on cultures. Compares the art, society, government, traditions, language, and laws of Norway, the U.S., Germany, China, and Hong Kong.
Made in China
Did you know that the people who invented pistols, paper and parachutes, are now building the world's longest suspension bridge, its biggest dam and Asia's fastest ferries? Find out how technology is changing Chinese culture.
Visions of China
This in-depth special on the People's Republic of China covers its past and future, looks at the Dalai Lama, communism, and China's ancient dynasties.
Yu Yuan Garden
See photos and learn about this garden located in Shanghai, built in the architectural style of the Ming dynasty.