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Off Road Cycling
Pink Bike, Single Track Off-Road Mountain Bike Club
Bicycle History
In 1817 Baron von Drais invented the odd-looking walking machine, a device that would help him get around the royal gardens faster. Learn how that contraption evolved into the bicycle today.
Bike Safety
Jen leads kids through an animated review of bicycle safety rules. Requires Macromedia Flash.
Bike Tricks, Stunts, and Bones
Includes directions for bike stunts and tricks and related safety information.
Bikes R Not Toys
A lay-person's guide to buying and using a bicycle.
The official site of Cory House the BMX racer in the National Bicycle League and the American Bicycle Association. Photos, race statistics, schedule, sponsors and related links.
Includes sections on how to find the right bike for you, planning your ride, and a guide to trails in New England. Also features a step-by-step guide to bike repair.
Exploratorium's Science of Cycling
Visit this site to learn about the science behind the sport.
Propelled by Pedals
This fun guide to bikes helps kids learn how to choose a bike. It also explains the parts of a bicycle and talks about the history of bicycles and cycling.
Schwinn Sting-Ray Bike
It's been over 25 years since these bikes were on America's sidewalks and streets but a new Sting-Ray is being built for a new generation. History, the bike, where to buy, and desktop images.
The Sport of Bicycling
Includes a large trails section, as well as riding, nutrition, and safety information for both mountain and road biking. Also provides race info and racer biographies.