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Authoritative Volleyball - Todd's Volleyball
Information on volleyball rules and equipment. Features a photo gallery and court construction details.
Beach Volleyball History
Offers an overview over the history of volleyball since the 1920's.
Beach Volleyball Rules
Featured information includes rules of net play and volleyball protocols.
Fitting Your Feet
Article informs users on why volleyball shoes are so special.
General Volleyball Information
Comprehensive site for students that offers information on the history of volleyball, rules, hitting techniques, and blocking.
History of Volleyball
In 1995, the sport of volleyball celebrated its 100th birthday. This page provides a timeline of the sport's short history.
Learning the 5-1 - Volleyball
A detailed discussion of the 5-1 formation. Introduces the basics of why this formation can be quite effective.
Playing Volleyball
Explains the rules of the game, and provides tips for improving basic skills.
Simplified Play Calling
Sometimes in volleyball calling sets can be very confusing. As this site explains, one can use this system for quick play calling.
The Volleyball Web Page
Provides a timeline of the history of volleyball, information on scoring systems, and tips on some of the skills of the game.
USA Volleyball: Officiating
National governing body for the sport of volleyball in the United States. Features articles for youths and juniors alike.
Short overview of the rules of the game, cheers, and photos.
Volleyball 101
Articles on the sport of volleyball. Discover and learn more about this sport through tutorials and rulebooks.