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A Guide for Teens
Developed to assist teens in helping a friend who has a problem with alcohol or drugs. Provides a list of warning signs, causes for alcohol and drug abuse, reasons why it is hard for someone to admit that he or she has a problem, and suggestions for ways to help.
Be Real Campaign
A drug-prevention program for 10 to 14-year-olds in Illinois, USA. Includes interesting facts, things to do, cool videos, and good ideas for schools and clubs.
Crystal Recovery
Provides resources and information for teens who may be affected by their own or someone else's drug use. Includes personal stories and pictures of various forms of crystal methamphetamine.
Detached Drug Project
A youth organisation presents facts and advice to raise awareness about the effects of drugs and harm reduction. Includes first aid information for helping victims of overdose.
Drug Education
Learn about drugs, the downs, and the legal issues surrounding them.
Drug Education and Awareness for Life
Provide information on topics such as drug abuse, violence, and other issues affecting youth today. Built by young people for young people.
Drug Free Ambassadors
Church of Scientology drug prevention in Australia. Includes facts and specific programs to help teens stay clean.
DrugFree.org: Help for Teens
In-depth information on how to say no to drugs, how to help friends with drug abuse problems, and facts about the short and long-term effects of drugs and other substances.
Ecstasy: The Traitor Exposed
Find out the effects this drug can have on your body, emotions and mind. From the Church of Scientology International.
Facts for Youth
Facts, research, and activities about drugs from the American Council for Drug Education.
Teen approach to peer pressure, anti-drug message and the media. Personal stories, online games, and message boards.
In the Mix - Altered States
A PBS documentary giving personal accounts about drug use and the effects of their use. Includes a quiz and drug use statistics.
Marijuana: Facts for Teens
From The National Institute on Drug Abuse, information about marijuana use.
Miami Teen Link
This telephone advice service also provides facts about club drugs and alcohol, with FAQ and further resources for assistance and information. [Requires Flash]
Narconon Drug Information Web
Information about the effects, description, and withdrawal symptoms of cocaine and crack. Includes articles and news. Provides links to marijuana, speed, ecstasy, methamphetamine, and prescription drug addictions.
Project Under 21
Information about the state of Oklahoma's efforts to prevent underage drinking.
Resources on Teen Alcohol Use and Abuse
Resources, information, and support on alcohol use and abuse among teenagers.
The Dangers of Alcohol
A page about the dangers of teen drinking.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) - Trac
Current statistics, trends, and preventive efforts relating to drug use among adolescents.
The Science Behind Drug Abuse
The National Institute on Drug Abuse educates adolescents ( as well as their parents and teachers ) through animated illustrations, quizzes, and games.
X-Treme Truth
A site for teenagers to hear the dangers of drug abuse from other teenagers and to get involved in ways to help younger children learn the dangers of drug abuse.