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Career Page, the National Broadcast Job Bank
Job listings at radio and TV stations in the United States and Puerto Rico, searchable by state and by career field. Includes news, technical, sales and administrative positions. Averages about 25 new ads a week. Sponsored by the National Alliance of State Broadcasters Associations.
CAT Entertainment Search
Executive search/headhunting firm for the more creative, middle management or obscure appointments in the media and entertainment market.
Doug Anderson
Consultant help for people seeking a job in television news.
Guardian Unlimited Jobs - Media
Full career center including tools, employers, consultancies and CV services. Search by sector: TV, radio, new media, marketing, PR, fundraising, advertising, events, press and publishing. UK.
Job Link for Journalists
Database of job ads includes fields for related academic, business and technical positions. Provides for e-mail updates and blind boxes. USA.
Journalism Jobs
Directory of links includes job boards, pages within media and news businesses, internships and academic situations. Includes newspaper, magazine, web and broadcasting.
List media job opportunities with newspapers, TV, radio, online media, magazines, and related categories in the US and abroad. In partnership with Columbia Journalism Review.
Judy Fisher Associates
Recruitment consultancy for temporary and permanent administrative staff for the media industry. London, UK.
Mass Media Jobs.com
Offers database of media jobs in TV, film, radio, publishing, advertising and new media. USA, Canada, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.
Media Types
Media Types provides editorial, sales and marketing, production and design staff to magazines and Web sites in London and the Home Counties. Jobseekers may see vacancies and apply online.
Free jobs board for UK and overseas careers in media and communications including print, radio and TV journalism plus marketing and public relations, new media and advertising.
Mike's TV Jobs
Links to television stations and station job boards across the United States. Sorted alphabetically, geographically and by market size.
News Jobs Net
Mega-links for editing and writing job boards belonging to employers and others. Links are alphabetized within three groups: Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Newspaper Job Sites
Guide to employment pages of newspaper web sites.
Provides listings of job openings for television, radio, newspaper, advertising, and public relations professionals.
Reilly Recruitment
Recruiters of media sales people, media planner/buyers, statistical research and marketing staff, and conference producers. In London.
The Media Network
UK media recruitment consultancy specialising in journalism and editorial jobs within magazine publishing, online news services and corporate communications. Current vacancies are listed on the site.
The Write Jobs
Provides job listings, career resources and information for journalism, media and publishing professionals.
TV Newz Jobs
Job listings for both on-air and off-air opportunities for television news people.