english deutsch
'Abuse-proof' OxyContin pill sought
2001 E. coli outbreak linked to sawdust in air
530 hepatitis cases linked to restaurant
Age, exercise may boost memory
AIDS scandal cuts deep in rural China
AIDS treatments may up heart attack risk
AIDS vaccine trial fails
Annan: World losing war on AIDS
At least 300 sick in hepatitis outbreak
Battling menopause with exercise
Can you diet your way to longer life?
Canada to U.S.: Don't buy drugs here
Cats, cows cloned, but primates still elusive
CDC chief: Flu season starting early and strong
Chin sling a face-lift alternative?
China mulls cigarette ad ban
China plans SARS vaccine trial
Cholesterol: How low should you go?
Clues may lead to best cancer treatments
Depression treatment may ease arthritis
Do you need to see a doctor before starting an exe
Doctor: Prognosis for revived toddler 'guarde
Doctors take aim at chronic headaches
Drug plan in AIDS Day spotlight
Ebola outbreak kills 18 in Congo
Egyptian twins to leave hospital
Electronic health records could cut dangerous erro
Elizabeth Cohen: Travel healthy during the holiday
Expanded screening stems retardation in infants
Fatigue, sleep woes may be heart attack warnings
FDA adviser: Ignore breast implant vote
FDA approves third pill for impotence
Federal anti-tobacco program yields results
Fitness trends expected to come on strong
Formerly conjoined twin upgraded to good
Green onions linked to hepatitis outbreak
Group says Atkins diet dangerous
Hepatitis A outbreak 'successfully ended&apos
Hepatitis outbreak spreads fear
Hospital halts stomach-staple operations after dea
Human HIV vaccine trial begins
Humanitarian group: AIDS could be worst crisis of
Implant helps Christopher Reeve breathe
Is one diet better than the others?
Is Ramadan fasting bad for health?
Japan's green tea brewing new fans
Judge orders Rx Depot closed
Lollipops, blowing kisses: Egyptian twins improvin
Mandela urges world to fight AIDS like it fought a
Marine's cancer death prompts change
Martial arts workouts are back for Round 2
Medicare for less than a dollar
Mental workout strives to keep brain fit
Mixed results in marijuana, MS study
More AIDS education needed in Asia
Most newly hired nurses over 50, survey finds
Nations prepare for return of SARS
New guidelines: No more ipecac
New study disputes vaccine, autism link
New treatment works like 'liquid Drano for ar
New wrinkle-filling gels step closer to market
New York bans supplement ephedra
No more arsenic-treated wood in future
No more baking: More seek spray-on tans
Officials mull OTC morning-after pills
One year on, animals still traded
Outwitting holiday weight woes
Patient dies during weight-reduction surgery
Pentagon: Vaccines may be linked to soldier's
Prostate cancer drug OK'd for some men
Protest death sparks meningitis concern
Reeve: Politics delaying spinal-injury research
Report: More women than men apply for med school
Researchers find first heart attack gene
Scientists: Pill helps people unlearn fears
Separated twins making steady progress
Setback reported in global war against hunger
Study finds clue to Ecstasy's overheating tri
Study finds pain at work costs billions
Study looks at football-field concussions
Study: Bone marrow cells renew broken heart
Study: Doctors often fail to give right heart care
Study: High-schoolers lighting up less
Study: Hospital cardiac arrests deadlier at night
Study: Kids' TV, computer habits start early
Study: Large breast tumors rose in '90s
Study: Medium mattress may be best for back pain
Study: Morning exercise can make sleep easier
Study: New drug combats age-related blindness
Study: Public heart defibrillators double survival
Study: Skin cancer linked to other cancers
Study: Teens get safe sex education from 'Fri
Study: Vitamins combat age-related blindness
Syphilis rate rises for second consecutive year
Tackling Asia's growing waistline
Tailor-made drugs step closer to reality
Test drug attacks arthritis in novel way
Testosterone fountain of male youth?
Third death reported in hepatitis outbreak
Thousands sickened in early, severe flu season
Tiny gold shells may help battle cancer
Traditional holiday dishes get low-fat makeover
Trio of genes helps explain common skin disease
U.N. delays decision on human cloning
U.N.: AIDS deaths, infections at new highs
U.N.: No end in sight for AIDS epidemic
U.S. starts trial of Ebola vaccine
UV lamps may cure 'sick buildings'
Vigils, seminars mark World AIDS Day
Wheelchair scams cost Medicare millions
Who exactly is a grown-up?
WHO: 2-year wait for SARS vaccine