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FAQs, Help, and Tutorials
Foxhole, AA5 History, Atwater Kent Tech Resources, Crystal Rocket Radio, FM Pilotuner 601, How to Rejuvenate your Headphones, PhilcoRadio.com, Rec.antiques.radio+phono FAQ, Restoration of German Tube Radios - Walter's , Schemi Radio TV, The GE SuperRadio FAQ
California Historical Radio Society, CC-AWA, Hammond Museum of Radio, International Society of Atwater Kent Collectors, MARC - Memphis Antique Radio Club, Michigan Antique Radio Club, Mid-Atlantic Antique Radio Club, New England Antique Radio Club, Ottawa Vintage Radio Club, South East Queensland Group HRSA
Personal Collections
Transistor, Alan Lord Vintage Radio Collection, Allen Cutts' Antique Radios, Allen's Radio City, Antique Japanese Radios, Antique Radio In Brazil, Antique Wireless And Scientific Instruments, Art's Antique Radios, Beert's Virtual Radio Museum, Bill's Antique Radio Emporium, Bill's Antique Radios
The "Radio and Television" subcategories, with a large collection of vintage print advertisements dating from the '20s to the '50s. Each image is scanned in color, at 72 and 150 dpi resolutions, and they give information about the source publication.
Antique Radio Classified
Link to the world of antique radio collecting, its activities, and the publication and products of Antique Radio Classified. Covers old radio, TV, telegraph, amateur/ham radio, high fidelity/hi-fi audio.
Antique Radio Page
Don Adamson's photo galleries and information on sets from the 1920s to the 1960s. Informative articles include one on how to build a linen diaphragm speaker.
Antique Radio Webring
Web sites about collecting, buying, selling, and trading vintage and antique radios.
Antique Radios Online
A site for collectors and restorers of vintage and collectible radios. On-line forums, resources, and chat, supported by a dedicated and experienced membership.
Atwater Kent Radio
A collection of pictures of AK radios, advertisements, brochures, operating manuals, and a profile of the company founder.
Gollum's Crystal Receivers
The history and theory of crystal receivers. Vintage and modern kits, pictures, and links.
NJ7P Tube Database
Base diagrams, characteristics, and outlines for thousands of vacuum tubes, provided by Bill Beech's Ham Radio Server.
Nostalgia Air
Large free online resource for antique and vintage radios, with over fifty thousand pages of scanned Riders schematics, service manuals, tube cross reference, articles, and forums.
Radio Boys
An article by James D. Keeline about the series of juvenile novels written by several ghostwriters under the pen name of "Allen Chapman" and others in the 1920s. Includes images of original covers.
Austrian radio history, with a profile of Eng. Franz Zehetner (1907-1986) and his radio and television products, with photographs and advertising copy. [Mostly German, but with some English text]
RNW Antique Radio
Links to antique and old-time radio sites throughout the world, compiled by Radio Netherlands.
Silver, Sounds, and Stuff
An archive of over 1000 photos of antique radios, information on future and past club meetings and auctions, and reference material for repairing old sets.
Terry's Vintage Home Entertainment Technology
Discussion of home entertainment technology of the past century. Photos and restoration notes are provided for his "Scott Imperial High-Fidelity Allwave 23", and "RCA Radiola Superheterodyne Second-Harmonic AR-812".
The Philco Repair Bench
Chuck Schwark provides many resources for the Philco radio collector and restorer, ranging from parts cross-references, to service information on some of the more obscure features such as the "Beam-Of-Light" tonearm pickup, and an identification guide for early cathedral models.
The Rise of the Bakelite and Catalin Radio in the
A text-only article by Louis Vloedbeld on the background and development of bakelite and catalin radio designs.
TransOceanic Resource Library
Photos, schematics, alignment data, model specs, and a directory of links for Zenith TransOceanic Long Distance radios.
Vintage Radio and Audio Pages
Brian McAllister's restoration resources, in the form of high-resolution GIF images of service notes and schematics for many radios, audio amplifiers and preamplifiers, phonos, and tuners. He has a special section for several German radios (Grundig and Telefunken).
Vintage Radios and Programs
Resource for collectors and fans of antique radios, military surplus radios, tube radios, valve radios, Collins, Atwater Kent, Hammarlund, Hallicrafters and Crosley radios, and telegraph key collections. Stars and programs from the golden days of radio are featured.
Worldwide Vintage Wireless Database
Mainly UK and North American sets from the 1920s to the 1960s. Picture galleries include thousands of photographs of radios, devices (valves or tubes) and device boxes.