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Aero Products
Designs and sells kits, motors, and products for the radio control and control line enthusiast.
Aeromodelling Adventures of Charlie Stone
Autobiography concerning the golden age of control line modeling in western Australia.
Dedicated to control line model aviation with photos, films, reports, daily updates, and considerable information for beginners as well as veterans. [multi-language site with English option]
Andy Whortons Control Line Home Page
A source of information for those flyers or spectators who want to keep up to date with what's going on in the world of C/L model aircraft flying in the United Kingdom.
Australian Control Line Organizations
A description of the clubs and organizations formed to promote control line aeromodelling during its years of popularity in Australia.
Barry Baxter's Controlline Plans Service
Source for vintage control line combat and stunt airplane plans. History, available plans, and ordering information.
Belfast Model Flying Club
Model aviation group's information, newsletter, calendar, flying sites, for sale, and related links.
Bjarnes' Modelflying Homepage
Information about the Aarhus Control Line Club with a membership of two.
C/L Speed Review
Reaches out to novice modelers who have a strong interest in C/L speed and to promote the North American Speed Society.
Clflyer's Page
Dedicated to C/L model airplane enthusiasts by Bill Calkins.
Consolidated Models
Control line World War II model airplane plans. Pictures, model data, and how to order plans.
Control Line Aerobatic Pilots Association
This British association draws its members from those modelers having a real interest in the promotion of C/L aerobatics as a continuing sport.
Control Line Aeromodeling Link Page
This page is intended to list as many sites that have to do with C/L as is possible.
Control Line Airplanes - Original Ring
Collection of CL model aviation sites linked in usual ring fashion.
Control Line Combat Model Airplanes
Information and photos of the '99 East Coast super slow combat champs at this CL site.
Control Line Model Aeroplanes
Beginner control line advice on building, flying instructions, and free detailed construction plans.
Control Line Model Flying
CL model site by Göran Olsson from Stockholm, Sweden.
Control Line Team Munich
Information about all aspects of flying in the combat category F2D. German site with English language option.
Control-Line Aeromodelling
Peter Nyffelers' view of the C/L model aviation scene from Germany.
Control-Line Combat
Provides an introduction and detailed look at the many facets of the sport, especially the design and construction of combat airplanes.
Control-Line Model Planes
Offers information about CL flying, how to get started, and related links.
Dave Days' Control Line Page
The intention here is to bring you up to date news of all things to do with control line with perhaps an emphasis on Vintage Stunt, the trailing edge of technology.
Dave's Aeromodelling Page
Flying model aircraft can be a great sport or hobby and it doesn't have to cost the earth, concentrating on control line.
Jim Walker's American Junior Classics
Dedicated to the life of Jim Walker and his American Junior Aircraft Company. Developer of the U-Control system of Control Line flying still in use today.
Kaz Minato's World
Personal control line model aviation site from Japan.
Control line speed and racing information.
Mid-Iowa Control Liners
Model aviation club information, newsletter, officers list, pictures, events, and related links.
Mike Nelson's Aeromodelling page
Mike presents his CL models and links to other CL sites.
Model Aircraft Combat Association
MACA is the recognized special interest group for control line combat. It exists to promote the sport of control line combat in all of its forms, by dissemination of information through its newsletter and affiliation with the AMA and FAI.
National Control Line Racing Association
This site is dedicated to control line racing.
Navy Carrier Society
Is the AMA recognized special interest group for C/L carrier flyers.
Noclass Mac
New Zealand control line only club site with a strong emphasis on speed and team race.
Nostalgia Diesel Combat
Information about a low tech., low speed, low performance, and high fun CL event where everybody gets lots of flying and the destruction is minimal.
Peoria Area Wyreflyers
Illinois, USA - Control line model airplane club information, flying site maps, events, calendar, newsletter, and related links.
Precision Aerobatics Model Pilots Association
Information about PAMPA which is a SIG of the AMA representing CL stunt flying.
Progress Aero Works
Makers of PAW diesel engines for model airplanes and other types of precision engineering. Product line data, contacts, tips/FAQs, photos, and related links.
Reece's Control Line Adventures
A lighthearted look at learning to fly control line model aircraft by following the progress of juniors.
The newsletter of the Northern Circle Burners CL club in South Africa.
RSM Distribution
Control line model aviation kits, supplies, and accessories. Order by phone.
Control line model airplane electronic handles. Product information, pictures, related links, and how to order.
Skylancers of Washington DC
CL model aviation club information, events, newsletter, officer contacts, pictures, articles, and contest page.
Streamer Stalkers UK
Control line site based on carrier and combat. Welcomes submissions of articles, reports, views, and photos.
Stuka Stunt Works
A site for the model airplane enthusiast, offering useful products, help, hints, and ideas for the promotion of control line stunt.
Supercool Racing Propellers
Articles on control line flying and technical articles on prop performance.
Tai Woon's Aeromodelling
Information and photos concerning a group of die-hard control line flyers in Singapore.
Tampa Bay Line Flyers
Florida - CL model aviation club information, field map, newsletter, officer contacts, pictures, rules, and contest news.
The Kirn Family
Dedicated to the work of Dale Kirn. Information on his accomplishments and the passing on of his knowledge to the next generation.
U-Control 2000
All controline website with 600+ plans catalog, photo galleries, free downloads, and related links.
UK Control Line Navy Carrier
Information about the CL carrier deck event and also items of more general aeronautical interest.
Wakkerman Combat Engines
Information for CL model engine builders including negative moulding, how to make engines, competition reports, and the FMV story.
Windy Urtnowski's C/L Stunt Headquarters
Features unique technical pieces, reprints of the classic Flying Models articles from the 80s, and tips on working with new products such as the Aeropoxy Light fillet material.