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Cheese making
The usenet posting from 1993 on making cheese. Still around and still helpful.
Cheese Making at Home
Entry level cheese making recipes for several cheeses. Includes a link section.
Fias Co Farm
Simple and inexpensive methods for making quality dairy products for home use.
FoodHowTo: Cheese Making
The cheese making process and recipes for Queso Blanco and Mascarpone cheese.
Goat Cheese
From the National Dairy Database. Historical and cheese making information with emphasis on goat's cheese.
Guide to cheese making recipes and resources for the home cheese maker. Large link section.
Making Parmigiano
From the Fanticini cheese factory, a look at how they make their cheese.
Scottish Cheesemaking
A history of cheesemaking in Scotland including recipes.
The Cheese Wizard
An online guide to cheesemaking including sample recipes.