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Anthony's Root Beer Barrel
Has in-depth reviews of an extensive list of root beers, birch beers, and sarsaparillas, along with rankings.
Chronology of A&W Root Beer
Timeline of A&W Restaurants, A&W Root Beer, and related companies and products.
Great American Root Beer Showdown
An ongoing series of taste tests. Includes instructions on how to run a taste test, reviews of the sampled drinks, and where to buy various brands.
Interesting Ideas: Root Beer
Contains some root beer history as well as the results of blind taste tests.
Jason's Root Beer Page
Tips on holding a taste test, online voting, and a recipe.
Resources include Yellow Froth Pages, Rooters, the Sassafras Journal, root-mart, and the Root Beer Gourmet.
Spike's Root Beer Ratings and Reviews
Drinks are ranked by letter grade, and includes photos of bottles, cans, caps, and boxes.