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Vittles Voyages: British Columbia, Wine Dining
Ideas by Vince
Alex Eberspaecher - The Wine Cellar
Syndicated columnist, author, educator, and tour leader provides a biography, information about his services, links to his columns, and food pairing suggestions.
Brings together those who study, appreciate, and take pleasure from the wines of the Napa Valley.
Dr Bacchus
Opinionated columns, tasting notes, and a virtual wine of the month club. Also includes a categorized list of links.
Dr. Vino
Enthusiast with a Ph.D. in the political economy of the industry offers tasting notes and articles about "wine politics."
Daily weblog by Tom Wark, who works in wine public media relations.
Geovino World of Wine
Helps people select wines, by providing information about regions, varieties, labels, tasting notes, and suggested tasting programs.
A food and wine resource page including reviews, recommendations, advice and articles for consumers in Baltimore, US, and worldwide.
Hundreds of Nice Labels from the Whole World
Enthusiast shares a collection of bottle label pictures, both antique and modern, classified according to theme.
Myk and GiGi's California Wine Page
Myk and GiGi Pleet's monthly choices of good varietals and covering all price ranges.
Richard's Wine Cellar
Focuses on labels, descriptions, and locations of Israeli wineries. Also contains food pairing suggestions, as well as labels from wineries in many countries.
Stan and Anthea's Wine List
UK couple describes the contents of their cellar.
The Stupids
Two California enthusiasts offer tasting notes using the "Three Stooges" rating system, along with articles and recipes.
The Wine Labels World
Belgian enthusiast shares a large wine label collection, in six languages.
Tasting notes, very filtered wine links and some humor.
California enthusiast Ryan O'Donnell offers articles, a blog, tasting notes, trip reports, and links.
Vintage Voice
Wines of the month, tasting notes, Boston Wine Expo reports and "The Unofficial alt.food.wine Punt FAQ".
Weloveourlife.com - Wine and Winery Reviews
A couple's trips to various wineries in the New York and Pennsylvania area.
Wine Label Site Japan
Japanese label collector offers pictures with comments and some humorous descriptions.
Wine of the Week
Enthusiast Hannu Lehmusvuori combines tasting and information with art and music. Contains an archive dating to 1997 and a long list of links.
Wine Philosopher
Articles and reviews. Meet today's artist and view or purchase their work. Read how philosophy can enrich our lives.
Wine Weekly with Vino Joe
Offers weekly reviews and answers questions submitted by readers.
A California TV personality provides reviews, information about favored wines, and streaming video of events.
Wingard - Wines and Gardens
Includes facts and figures about wine production and types of wines, as well as some food matching suggestions. Also contains pictures and descriptions of some of Europe's most famous gardens.
Yak Shaya's Wine Pages
Hundreds of wine tasting notes as well as gourmet food adventures by a serious Burgundy buff from Israel.