english deutsch
Dancing Halloween ghosts, pumpkins, frankennsteins and mummys.
Hampster Dance
The original Hampton the Hampster that inspired the dancing pages craze on the internet.
Happy Page
Try this Happy Page, and you will shortly be very unhappy, and possibly aggravated.
Herve Villechaize Dance Page
Herve Villechaize dances to the sounds of Madness.
Ho Down
Scantily clad ladies dancing for the entertainment of gentlemen.
House Cleaning Boogie
Animation of housecleaning scenes.
How to Dance Properly
Demonstrates popular dances.
HR's Dancing Thinga-Ma-Bobs
Machines, gears and thinga-ma-bobs.
HR's Low Riders
Tiny stick like characters.
HR's RockNRollers
Old fashioned rock and roll dancers.