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18 Unnatural Laws, All Murphys laws, Murphy Laws, Murphy's Law, Murphy's Law and Other Fun, Murphy's Laws, Murphy's laws and corollaries, Murphy's Laws and Other Observations, Murphy's Laws and Other Words of Wisdom, Murphy's Laws Archive
Archive of Useless Facts: Bizarre Laws
A large selection of strange and weird laws from around the world that are all real.
Dumb Laws
A collection of the most senseless laws in the entire United States.
Dumb Laws
A list of some of the stupidest laws in the United States.
It's the Law!
A collection of strange, bizarre, and unusual laws about alcohol and drinking.
Kenny's Laws
The meaning of life revealed through observations on biology, philosophy, and the people around him.
Featuring bizarre legal news, irreverent commentary, surveys and two Fantasy Supreme Court Leagues.
Laws Of Work
The Laws of Work from the Barking Spider.
Looney Laws
"It is against the law to gargle in public " and other odd laws in different US states.
Seymour's Laws
Some laws that apply mostly to high school bands.
The Constitutional Foundations of Shirley Edelman&
What would six famed constitutional law scholars have to say about this Latke recipe?
The Dumb Network
Dumb stuff from laws to warnings to criminals.