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+åthelmearc, An Tir, Ansteorra, Artemisia, Atenveldt, Atlantia, Caid, Calontir, Drachenwald, Ealdormere
Academy of Defence
Elizabethan fencing in the Society of Creative Anachronism. Includes a recommended reading list, transcriptions of primary sources, articles and links.
Alexander's Pennsic War Website
Alexander the Lost's guide to this premiere SCA event. Message board for Pennsic parties and a rider board, pictures of prior Pennsic Wars.
Carolingian Fencing Page
Resource for renaissance-style fencers in the Society of Creative Anachronisms located in Boston, Massachusetts. Includes information about classes, how historical recreation differs from the real thing, links, and a bibliography.
Cunnan, Ye Olde Wiki
Wiki based resource. Anyone can add topics, contribute to articles or add links to other sites.
Dictionary of Period Russian Names
Over 25,000 names; grammar and naming conventions, bibliography, name roots with dates, place names (cities) with dates.
Search engine, people finder and directory for the SCA.
Federated Clans of House Rolling Thunder
Group of affiliated clans from various parts of the Knowne Worlde. Includes list of clans and leadership information.
Fulco's Webhovel
Information for the new SCAdian in every day life in the current middle ages. Also offers web hosting for any SCA related site.
Great Dark Horde
Household encompassing many kingdoms. Includes history, member information, tales, songs, photos, glossary of Mongol terms and news articles.
Herbalism: Medieval, Magickal, and Modern
Medieval and Renaissanc use of herbs and spices, medieval and renaissance gardening, a booklist of related sources, and a list of links on the topic.
Historical Research in the Modern Library
Information about using modern libraries to find information on the Medieval and Renaissance periods.
Khevron's Heraldry Page
SCA heraldry resources and links, plus the Principality of Oertha Armorial and Order of Precedence.
Legio Draconis
SCA Group dedicated to the art of combat.
Educational material on how to practise several arts including jewellery making, clock making and illumination.
Merddyr's Sanctuary
SCA essays, St. Augustine of Hippo's, Peter Abelard, St. Thomas' Church St. Catharines ,Spartan Hoplite , Jacopo Tintoretto's, Paul the Deaconsoon, poetry, art.
Modar's Heraldry Page
Articles, tools, and links for information about heraldry as used in the Society for Creative Anachronism.
Nobumitsu's Toshokan
Resource for recreating ancient Japan in the Society for Creative Anachronism.
People and Groups in the SCA
Unofficial lists of all SCA groups with physical locations .
Publications of Interest to the SCA
Topics, editors and subscription information for a variety of journals, newsletters, and magazines.
Robins Roughnecks
Mercenary unit asking for pay in beer. No job too small or too large.
Rolls Ethereal
An online "phone book" for SCAdians. Searchable database with thousands of entries.
Royal Genealogy of the Known World
Database of SCA kings, queens, princes and princesses, past and present.
SCA Arts and Sciences
Search engine for Cariadoc's Miscellany, 'Rialto' (rec.org.sca) archives, or selected newsgroups. Links to other pages, sites and search engines.
SCA Kingdom and Principality Awards
Articles with details and badges of the 'Orders, Awards, and Honors of the Kingdoms of the SCA and their Principalities'.
SCA Merchant Listings
Listing of merchants that cater to the SCA.
SCA Related E-mail Lists
Mailing list information and Web links for most SCA kingdoms and principalities.
SCA Resources
A database for persona research. Currently focused on Asian, African, And Middle Eastern resources.
SCA Song Database
A collection of lyrics, primarily of the "filk" song-parody variety, for the SCA member. Searchable database by category, title, author.
SCA WebRing
Personal, household, shire, guild, and merchant pages, both official and unofficial, related to the Society for Creative Anachronism.
SCA-ARTS Listserv Citation Index
A categorized index of links and citations from messages on the SCA-ARTS listserv. Major categories: crafts, metalwork, cultures, food, garb/clothing/fabric, health and safety, and performing arts.
Searchable Index of Tournaments Illuminated
An "unofficial" index of Tournaments Illuminated which supports searches by topic, location, date, author or keyword.
Up close and personal photographs of fighting at Pennsic from recent years and other activities from Pennsic and some AEthelmearc events.
Shire of Caer Adamant
Delaware chapter of the SCA.
Society for Creative Anachronism
An international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating pre-17th-century European history. Includes information about membership, kingdoms, events, heraldry, customs, chilvary, news and related resources.
Stefan's Florilegium Archive
Archived messages from the rec.org.sca newsgroup ("The Rialto") and other articles grouped by subject.
The Hunt
A searchable database of SCA-related sites and information of interest to SCA members, including classified advertisements. Sites can be added by users.
The Medieval Times
Online news source for the entire SCA. Articles, pictures, reports, announcements, event calendar, classified ads, archives.
The Pennsic War
The Official site for the Pennsic War, a yearly event between the Kingdom of the East and Kingdom of the Middle.
The SCA Without Breaking the Bank
Dedicated to helping SCA participants on a budget get the most out of the SCA.
The Shire of Barren Sands
A local SCA branch covering Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, and Salem Counties in southern New Jersey.
The Silver Horde
SCA household focusing on Mongol research, arts, sciences and martial activities.