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Albion Rising
Gallery artwork and paper models and related stories. Provides instructions and plans.
Aliens Papercraft
Plans of space ships from Aliens movie.
Cube Robot Project
Presentation of the history and the concept of a humanoid robot.
Cut & Paste Sci-Fi
Provides plans and instructions of robots and space ship.
DPileggi's Picks
Gallery and plans from model designers.
evil penguin
Collection of plans images' of space ships.
Independence War Paper Models
Provides space ships and other objects from the Independence War PC game series.
Modular Space Toys
3D models and paper models of space shuttle, station and cruisers.
Ninjatoes' Papercraft
Space ships of Star Trek and the Ninja Cats pizza parlour.
Paper Starships
Starships from Babylon 5, Homeworld, Star Wars and Star Trek movies. Provides plans and instructions.
Paper craft version of the red-comet Zaku.
The Ultimate Dalek Factory
Provides plans, pictures and instructions to build the robot.