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All About Insect Repellents
Information about repellent ingredients, how they work, and which to use for which insects from the makers of Sawyer Products.
All Mosquito Netting Info
Explores methods and benefits of using nettings, types available, and the prevention and treatment of various mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and West Nile virus.
Bug-Spray Info
Ranks insect repellents for ticks and fleas, flies, mosquitos, chiggers. Rates by efficacy, price, and safety.
DEET Insect Repellent Safety Information
Article by Mohamed Abou-Donia, PhD at Duke University.
DEET Versus Bite Blocker
Analysis of the differences between the two products. Also compares other available repellents.
Eco-Tech International
About Bug-Ban, a line of insect repellent products including wrist bands and patio grids.
Healthlink: DEET Still Tops at Beating Mosquitoes
Study confirms that products containing DEET are most effective in repelling insects for long periods of time.