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Clubs and Associations
Calgary Hook & Hackle Club, DuPage Rivers Fly Tyers, Durban Fly Tyers, Fly Dressers Guild Middlesex Branch, Fly Tying World, New England Fly Tyers, North West Branch of the Flydressers Guild., The Flydressers Guild, United Fly Tyers
Hatch Chart
DePuy Spring Creek Hatch Chart, Hatch Chart for the Southern Appalachians, Hatch Chart of Central Pennsylvania, Hatch Charts for Surrounding WNC Rivers, Recommended Fly Patterns for Western North Carolin, US Hatch Charts
18th Slovenian Open Flytying championship
Results and photos of flies from 2005 competition.
Alice Conba Master Fly Dresser
Patterns, tips, links, and products.
Classic Salmon flies tied without a vise. Provides tying instructions, information about natural dressing materials, and photos.
Black Nose Dace
Tying instructions on the famed trout fly.
Copper Fly
Fly tying tutorials with step by step instructions. Includes information about tools and dressings, and forums.
Crocheted fly-patterns
Crocheting instructions and variety of patterns.
Derek Porter's Fly Tying Workshop
Step by step instructions with pictures, and patterns.
Offers patters, tips and knots for making a variety of freshwater and saltwater flies.
FAQ - Processing Fly Tying Materials at Home
Describes possible health hazards and safe methods of handling, treating, and storing natural dressing materials.
Extensive database of fly patterns. Includes forums for fly tying, tackle reviews, and fising reports.
Fly Tying Exchange
Tie flies and exchange them with other anglers from around the world.
Fly Tying Swaps
Trade flies with other tyers. Includes rules, FAQ, and discussion board.
Flytier's Page
Presents closeup photos and tying recipes from a growing collection of world-wide tiers.
Illustrated and photographic patterns and tying instructions.
Flytying Ireland
Host of the Irish Open Flytying Championships. Tyer profiles, fly patterns, bulletin board, and local river guide. [May not work in all browsers]
Community featuring pattern database, photo gallery, entomology, tips, and swaps.
Guy Turck Fly Fishing & Tying
Original articles as well as information and tying tips for the Turck Tarantula, Power Ant, Snake Drake and other fly patterns. Jackson Hole fishing information.
How to Tie Some Random Flies
Selection of fly descriptions.
Invicta Flies
Featuring patterns and techniques. Tips on tying methods and material preservation as well.
Jacqueline Wakeford Flydressing Instructor
Offers courses on flydressing from complete beginners to advanced flydresser. Includes profile, course details and rates, authored publications, and contact information.
Jerry's Fly Fishing Tips
Contains a fly of the month with tying instructions, details of classes, and book reviews.
Montana Flybox
Photographs of flies by Barnes, Troth, Wombacher, Grant and Pittendrigh
My Virtual Fly Box
International salmon fly swaps. Includes acrchived patterns.
Nymphing with the RS2 Fly
Deals with tying and fishing the RS2 fly.
Online Fly Tyer
Includes pattern database, articles, swapping forum, retail locator, and product reviews.
Philatelic Phly Tying
Patterns for flies featured on postage stamps from around the world.
Salmon and Steelhead Fly-Tying Guide
Includes patterns, facts about the species, recommended books, articles, and Washington fishing information.
Saltwater Fly Tying
Tying lessons, pattern database, step by step instructions, tying tips, product reviews, articles, and forum.
Saltwater Fly Tying
Step by step pattern database.
Simple Flies for Simple Sewin
Sea Trout (Sewin) patterns from around the world. Includes photos and images, tying instructions and tips on how to use them.
The Jaeger Spey
Tying instructions for a spey type fly.
The Traditional Flyfisher
Hints and tips on fly fishing and tying as well as patterns and gear reviews.
The Tying Bench
Hosted by master fly fisher Mark VanPatten, television schedule and tying recipes.
Trout Flies
Fly patterns for trout fly fishing.
Tying Bench
Pattern database, and articles.
Virtual Flybox
Online resource featuring tying instructions for fly patterns from around the world. Includes swaps, articles, chat room and forums.
Wes' Virtual Pattern Book
Presents closeup photographs, recipes, and tying instructions for a variety of unique and unusual fresh and saltwater flies. Includes kids flies, and hook conversion charts.
WWW Fly Tyer
Features innovative patterns from the vice of Alan Barnard.