english deutsch
Afghan Hounds in Ukraine
Coursing for rabbit with aboriginal Afghan hounds. Competition diary and photo gallery. [Russian, English]
Borzoi Club of America
An overview of the sport and answers to some questions about open field coursing with borzois.
CA: Countryside Alliance
Descriptions, photos, and brief FAQ.
Coursing Web
Discussion lists about the sport, especially in the UK and Ireland.
Hunting with Borzoi in Russia
Descriptions and photos.
Irish Council Against Blood Sports
A view from the "Anti" side.
Lurcher Search U.K.
An organisation whose aim is to reunite lost and stolen Lurchers and Running Dogs with their owners.
National Coursing Club
Brief guide, history, dogs, hares, 10 lies, news, fixtures list, results and links.
NOFCA: National Open Field Coursing Association
Organizes competitions among purebred sighthounds in the natural environment of the game being coursed.
Roosevelt, Theodore - Ranch Life and the Hunting-T
Includes his experiences hunting and coursing in the West. From Chapter XI, The Ranchman's Rifle on Crag and Prairie.
Tallahamra Salukis
Photos of salukis coursing jackrabbits.
TCC: The Coursing Conservancy
Provides a venue where sighthounds may be tested fairly against the standard of their breed, the game, and each other.
The Old English & Colonial Lurcher Club
Promoting lurcher ownership and lurcher-oriented hunting, including hare coursing. Information on the club, members, Code of Conduct, single-handed competition, and breeds. Lancashire and Yorkshire, UK.
Valeska Borzoi Article
Introduction to official NACA and NOFCA hunting, followed by a description of a hypothetical hunt.