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Alan Madison Productions - Hunter Education
Videos on safety and ethics, currently used by hundreds of local, state and national organizations.
Deer Hunter Ethics
By Larry Castle, White-tailed Deer Coordinator for the State of Mississippi.
Hunter Code of Ethics - BCWF
From the British Columbia Wildlife Federation.
Hunter Education - Ohio
Objectives and synopsis from the Ohio Hunter Education Manual, including safety, ethics and equipment.
Hunter Education Program - Oregon
Descriptions of classes and clinics, including the Master Hunter course.
Hunter Education Requirements in the United States
Summary by state and province.
Hunting - Ethical & Moral Considerations
Hunting ethics from the perspective of Lark Ritchie, a Native American hunter and hunting guide.
Hunting Ethics and the Ethical Hunter
Rich Geffert.
Hunting for Dummies, Atlantic Canada
Tips for duck, whitetail deer, moose, grouse, and pheasant hunting. Common mistakes, recommended weapons, and what to avoid.
Hunting's Ethics
An essay by Jonathan Detwiler, a sophomore civil engineering student at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
Northern Virginia Whitetail Hunting Academy
Offering the basics of whitetail deer hunting. Includes course details, costs, photos, links and contact information. Located in Alexandria.
Orion - The Hunter's Institute
An organization promoting hunter ethics and the role of hunters in conservation. Educational material, seminars and presentations. Executive Director: Jim Posewitz.
Outdoor Ethics Program - Izaak Walton League
History, mission, education, research, conferences and news releases.
People Killing Animals
Offers a place where hunters and fisherman can unite against animal rights activists. Includes forum, articles and membership information.
Placing Hunting in Perspective
An online copy of the 28-page ethics/responsibilities booklet from the Wildlife Management Institute. Ordering information for hardcopy version.
The Ethics of Hunting, and of Life
Maitland Sharpe.
Welfare Aspects of Killing Wild Animals in Britain
Originally written for the Hawk Board, it examines the welfare issues.