english deutsch
Butterflies in a Suburb of Tokyo
Iluustrated list of butterflies encountered in a small park in Machida.
Butterflies of Antalya, Turkey
Photo gallery with English and scientific names.
Butterflies of India
Gallery of photos from the Butterfly-India email group. Includes sections for each Family, moths, life cycle, predators and parasites, checklists, and news.
Butterflies of Japan
Photographs and notes of 120 species. Includes scientific, Japanese, and English names.
Butterflies of Kerala, India
Species list highlighting endemics, small photo gallery, information about Kerala, tourist maps, and butterfly tour itinerary.
Butterflies of Okutama, Japan
Photo gallery of about 85 species, with English and scientific names.
Butterflies of Singapore
Photo gallery, life histories, tips on watching and photographing butterflies, and checklist.
E-mail group for discussing anything to do with Indian butterflies.
Chin's Butterfly Gallery
Large detailed photo gallery of butterflies from Malaysia.
Chin's Nature Corner: Butterflies
Introduction to the butterflies of Malaysia.
Fighting Butterfly Poachers
Illustrated account by Vladimir Dinets of the illegal trade of endangered insects, especially Central Asian Parnassius species.
Nature Society (Singapore) Butterfly Interest Grou
Calendar of events, trip reports, photos, and articles on butterflies of Singapore and southeast Asia.
Seeking Butterflies in Taiwan
Short article with photos.
Some Indian Butterflies
Photographs of many Indian butterflies and moths by Amber Habib.
Yim Yik Man - Butterfly Photography
Photographs of Hong Kong butterflies.