english deutsch
Alexanor's Ukrainian Butterflies
List of species with scientific and common names, distribution maps, photos, statistics, and databases.
Bedfordshire & Northamptonshire Butterfly Cons
Features sightings, pictures and lepidoptery news. Includes upcoming events and newsletters.
Bernd Harmsen's Butterfly Pages
Photographs, red lists, and scientific, English, and German names of the butterflies of Europe.
British Butterflies
Photographs and descriptions of British butterflies by Steven Cheshire.
British Butterfly Conservation Society
Dedicated to saving wild butterflies, moths and their habitats throughout the UK.
Butterflies and Moths of Kent
News, sightings, and field trip reports.
Butterflies in Europe
Photos, trip reports, and links.
Butterflies of Catalonia
Species list and flight charts. Includes sections on butterflies of Andorra and wasps of Catalonia.
Butterflies of Gloucestershire
A guide to the butterflies of Gloucestershire, UK, with photographs, distribution maps, and conservation status for each species.
Butterflies of Ireland
Guide to the butterflies of Ireland, with photographs of most species and a guide to indoor tropical butterfly houses.
Butterflies of Northamptonshire
Annotated list of 37 species, with photos of most.
Butterflies of the Monts du Lyonnais
Information about species flying on the hillsides of the Rhône département, France.
Butterfly Conservation - Kent Branch
Includes photos, first sightings, newsletters, information about White Hill Reserve, events and contact information. Located in the UK.
Butterfly Conservation Dorset Branch
Monitors and conserves butterflies and moths in Dorset. Events, survey data, recording forms, sightings, and species accounts.
Butterfly Info
Information on European butterflies, including photo galleries, poems and lyrics, literature, and a list of good butterfly spots.
Butterfly Ireland
Photographs of Ireland's butterflies, with many photographs of eggs, pupae, and larvae. Also includes flight charts, distribution maps, sightings, and links.
Captain's European Butterfly Guide
Photographic guide to the butterfly species of Europe.
Derbyshire Butterflies
Photos of butterflies in Derbyshire, UK by Mark Nowak.
Dutch Butterfly Conservation
A Dutch non-profit organization which works for the conservation of wild butterflies and their habitats.
European Butterflies by Mario Maier
Photos and descriptions of many species. In German and English.
Garden Safari: Butterflies
Photographs and notes on common butterflies in a garden in the Netherlands.
Guy Padfield's European Butterflies
Pictures of over 150 European species of butterfly, with butterfly diary, schools' page, and links.
Herts and Middlesex Butterfly Conservation
The site of the Hertfordshire and Middlesex Branch of Butterfly Conservation includes sightings, conservation work, and an identification guide.
Photo gallery of butterflies from various parts of Europe by Jakob Arnholtz.
E-mail group for discussion of butterflies and moths in Europe.
Matt's European Butterflies
Features photos of many rare and unusual European butterflies. Personal observations and comments on all species are included.
Moths and Butterflies of Europe
A large photo gallery of European moths and butterflies, including larvae and pupae.
Pictures of Dutch Butterflies
Small photo gallery of butterflies in the Netherlands.
Sarah Walters - Butterflies
Photographs of British butterflies.
UK Butterflies
Photographs, food plants, and flight charts of all species regularly found in the United Kingdom.
Upper Thames Branch of Butterfly Conservation
Serves Bucks, Berks, and Oxfordshire, England. News, field trips, sightings, photographs, and flight data.
Yorkshire Butterfly Conservation
Field trips, flight times, photographs, and other resources.