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Alley Cat Allies, Alley Cat Rescue: Community Benefits of Feral Cats, Amby's Feral Cat Information, Animal Angels, Animals Australia: Cats Bibliography, Animals Australia: Introduced Wild Animals, Animals Australia: Natives, Newcomers and Learning, Australia, a Wonderland for Cats?, Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Wamsley', Castaway Critters
American Bird Conservancy: Cats Indoors
A campaign to protect birds, other wildlife, and free-roaming cats. Teacher's guide, posters, and fact sheets covering topics such as laws, managed cat colonies, and how to make an outdoors cat happy indoors [PDF].
Animal Welfare: The Indoor/Outdoor Cats Debate
Explores the arguments for and against confining cats from an Australian perspective.
Animal Welfare: The Truth About Cats and Wildlife
Examines both sides of the Australian cats versus wildlife debate.
Animals Australia: Cats - Facts and Myths
Researcher Frankie Seymour examines claims about the impact of cats on the environment.
Australian Cats
A forewarning of the consequences of cat control. Includes links to related material and forum.
Bird Dog News: The Silent Wildlife Killer
Summary of a five-year University of Wisconsin study to determine the impact of free ranging domestic cats on rural wildlife.
Cat Fanciers: The Outside World
Extensive information about your cat and the outside world.
Cat Herding on the Military Range
Efforts by the military to deal with abandoned and feral cats on military bases. Humane control, owners' responsibility with photographs.
Cat World: Cats in the Garden
Article by Penny Bydlinski offering alternative suggestions for allowing cats outside while keeping them on the property.
Cats of Rome
The story of the free-roaming cats of the Argentine Tower in Rome.
CNN: Australian Proposal would Wipe Wild Cats from
John Raedler reports on the proposal designed to protect endangered species.
DDFL: Your Cat: Indoors Or Out
Reasons people allow their cats outdoors with comments and suggestions.
Dogs and Cats in the Urban Environment: Cat Issues
Includes an overview of cat issues, cats - pets or pests, predation and types of cats.
Gazette.Net: Let Them Out
Letter objecting to the Cats Inside program.
How to Turn a ?Homeless? Cat into a Domestic Cat
Instructions on how to train an outdoor cat to be a domesticated indoor cat.
Messybeast.com: The Great Australian Cat Dilemma
A history of the debate on cat control in Australia, including perceived threats to wildlife and the ban of the Bengal breed.
My Fellows are Stray Cats
Videos of stray cats in Tokyo, Japan.(Japanese language pack)
NY Daily News: Stray Cats? Drown 'em
Biologist Doug Little suggests holding stray cats heads under water for several minutes as a way of getting rid of unwanted animals.
Outdoor Cats
A photo exhibition and information about stray cats. Also in Japanese.(Japanese language pack)
Petnet: The Metropolitan Domestic Cat
This is a survey of the population characteristics and hunting behaviour of the domestic cat in Australia, which was undertaken to address concern about the possible impact of cats on wildlife.
Petnet: Urban Animal Management Conference
Proceedings of the Australian conferences, including cats' impact on wildlife, unowned cat colonies, and cat legislation.
Problem Behaviors in Cats
What to do about ?outside? cats and other problem cat behavior.
The FWC and Feral Cats
Clarification of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's policy on feral and free-ranging cats on lands owned and managed by the commission.
The Pope and the Homeless Cats
Observations by Pope John Paul II about the plight of a homeless cat and her kittens.