english deutsch
Appenzeller Mountain Dog Breeders, Vom Sunnestärn, Wunderhund
Appenzell Mountain Dog Club of America, Schweizer Sennenhund Verein für Deutschland e.V.
Appenzell Cattle Dog
Information presented by the National History Museum, Berne (Switzerland). Historical pictures of the breed, breed profile.
Appenzellers at Tulpewihaki Farm
Breed profile and pictures of Appenzeller Mountain Dogs, competing at a dog show in Finland.
CKC USA: Appenzeller Mountain Dog
Breed description provided by the Continental Kennel Club.
Der Hund: Appenzeller Mountain-Dog
Breed history going back to 1853 and breed standard.
Der Hund: Appenzeller Mountain-Dog Photo Album
Photographs, submissions welcome.
DogBreedInfo: Appenzell Mountain Dog
Breed profile.
RareBreed: Appenzeller Standard
UKC breed standard.