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Breeding Dogs for the Next Millennium
This article was submitted by Dr. Hellmuth Wachtel who holds the copyright on the content. Presented by the Continental Kennel Club.
California Geneticists are Going to the Dogs
The people and dogs behind the work on the Canine Genome Project are introduced. Provides image gallery, history, and links. [Smithsonian Magazine]
Can You I.D. Your Dog with DNA?
Article and charts by Ray Coppinger, Ph.D. of the Farm Center, Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts.
Canid Genetics
DNA, genetic inheritance, researchers, and the relationship of wolf and dog.
Canine Genetic Primer
An article by Susan Thorpe-Vargas with a basic information about canine genetics, including why to test, details about the canine genome, and breeding.
Canine Genetics Research
The University of California, Davis includes information on building a DNA database. The aim is to establish a genetic profile for each breed at each genetic marker.
CyberPet.com: An Introduction to Genetics
Features illustrations and article for dog owners by Betsy O. Davison.
Dog and Wolf mtDNA Relationships
The genetic relationship of dog breeds, wolves and other wild canids is charted in this summer 1991 article by Ray Coppinger, Ph.D.
Dog Genome Project
Collaborative study with scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Oregon, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Genetic Diseases - Cairn Terrier
Educating the public about the genetic diseases in this breed with information and related links.
Genetic Diseases in Dogs
Scientific references in the ANGIS Database.
MSU - Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Canine
Mission is to use the tools of molecular genetics to understand, improve diagnosis and treatment, and ultimately prevent the hereditary diseases that affect dogs while educating veterinary professionals and scientists.
Purebred Dog Breeds into the Twenty-First Century
Achieving Genetic Health for Our Dogs, by Jeffrey Bragg. Includes a look at the origin of breeds.
The Canine Diversity Project
Avoiding genetic diseases in dogs.