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Describes different types, and whether or not they are appropriate.
Aggressive Behavior
Understanding and working with the problem.
Aggressive Behavior List
An email discussion group with trainers and dog owners addressing behavior modification.
Behavior Help
A humane society provides articles on understanding and dealing with a number of common problems such as chewing, barking and biting.
Behavior Problems and Solutions
Explains the alpha concept, or 'speaking wolf', and how an understanding of this can help with many issues such as barking, digging and jumping up.
Behaviour Advice
Free articles offer descriptions and suggestions on issues such as hyperactivity, aggression and digging.
Canine Aggression
Education, support and resources for pet owners.
Explains faeces-eating and suggests ways of stopping it.
Dealing with Separation Anxiety
Causes of this problem and methods to alleviate it.
Dog Behavior
A Humane Society provides free articles on a range of issues from puppy problems to understanding body language.
Dog Behaviour.com
A professional trainer in the UK provides free articles on establishing good habits and dealing with bad ones.
Free advice on dealing with a number of issues including chasing cats, jumping, nipping and noise phobias.
Analysis of the role of this issue in packs and families, together with excerises for controlling it.
Excessive Licking
Also known as Acral Lick Dermatitis or Lick Granuloma. Contributing factors are explained and solutions suggested.
Fear of Loud Noises
Suggestions for reducing the distress caused by thunder and fireworks.
Fearful Dogs
A series of exercises to control this problem.
Herbal Remedies for Behavior Problems
An article from the International Veterinary Information Service discusses the evidence for using herbs, flower essences and homeopathic medicine.
A series of exercises to control this problem.
K9 Separation Anxiety
This email discussion group serves as a support group as well as a source of information.
Myths and Realities
Explores common misconceptions about the way dogs view their environment, and why they behave as they do.
Nasty Habits
Discusses methods of dealing with digging, jumping up, howling, scratching doors, stealing or begging for food, chewing and other misbehaviours.
Non-food Ingestion
Known as pica, this can cause serious health problems. The causes and solutions are explained.
Pet Behavior Articles at APBC
Members of the Association of Pet Behavior Counsellors in the UK write about problem pets.
Explains how to teach that sharing is OK.
Problem Barking
Causes and solutions are suggested.
Problem Dogs
Explains why barking, fouling and aggression make some animals a problem for city authorities, then suggests solutions.
Relocation Anxiety
Suggestions are given for reducing the ill-effects of a family move, or when a dog is re-homed for any reason.
Rescue Dog Behavior Problems
These animals may have particular areas of difficulty.
San Francisco SPCA Library
Free pdf articles to download cover many common issues.
Separation Anxiety
This article includes a short video ( 2.7 Mb ) showing the typical stages and suggesting solutions.
Separation Anxiety
Article explaining avoidance and treatment strategies.
Shy Dogs: FAQ
Owners share their experiences and suggestions for dealing with the problem.
So Long to Bad Dogs
This article from Atlantic Monthly explains the theory of animal behavior and the progress being made in treating phobias, anxiety, aggression and panic.
Stool Eating
A series of exercises to control this activity.
Submissive Urination
An explanation of why this is unrelated to housebreaking is accompanied by suggestions for dealing with it.
Submissive Urination
The causes are explained and an interactive solution suggested.
Tail Chasing
Explains why this is not always a playful activity, and how to stop it causing injury.
How to recognise and deal with this common characteristic.
Training the Dominant Dog
Practical advice on appropriate training methods.
Travel Sickness
An explanation is given and a simple solution offered.
Understanding Animals
Free articles cover a number of issues and a forum is available for related discussion.