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Chats and Forums
Click for Success, Click-Dogs, Click-L Website, ClickerTrix, ClickSport, ClickSupport, ClickTeach, DalClickertrain, Fair-Click, NickNClick
American Dog Trainers Network: Clicker Training
Information is given about related sites, books, newsletters and other resources.
Clicker Training Fast Start
A step-by-step guide includes suggestions about treats, clickers, and shaping.
Clicker Training for Deaf Dogs
Provides alternative ways to mark desired behaviour.
A centre in Virginia offers local classes, nationwide seminars, and free on-line sample articles from their Journal.
ClickTrain Discussion Group
Companion site for the ClickTrain mailing list.
Gary Wilkes' Click and Treat
A founder of this method offers free articles, a schedule of seminars and a list of products for sale.
Introduction to Clicker Training
An owner/trainer in New Zealand provides definitions and an outline of the process.
K9 Clickers
Free articles can be downloaded which cover basic and advanced methods.
Karen Pryor's Clicker Training for Dogs
Basic information is provided as well as problem-solving and opportunities for further learning and involvement.
Paws Plus
Articles from the Nashville Pet Gazette cover problem-solving and specific exercises.
PBS Scientific American Frontiers: Wilkes
Interview with Gary Wilkes about training.
The Well Mannered Dog
Site of trainer and teacher Shirley Chong. Includes a list of products and services, photo gallery, mailing lists, and training tips.