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Australian Herpetology Directory
Hundreds of links to pages covering Pythons, Goanna's, Skinks, Dragons, Geckos, and other Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia.
Herp Connection
Bringing people and herpsites together.
Herp Index
The ultimate one-stop herpetology resource for all Internet related sites.
Herpetology Network
Information and links for reptile/amphibian study.
Features an easy to navigate listing of breeders, dealers, societies, caresheets, books, and photo gallery.
Index of breeders, societies, food item suppliers, accessory suppliers, and Reptile resources.
Pet Reptiles
Resources include an interactive species database, care guides, articles, forum and chat for pet owners and those considering reptiles as pets.
Reptile Information Network
Reptile and amphibian information, veterinarians, Mid-Atlantic Reptile Show, art, herpetological societies and other organizations, event information, links to other herp-related sites.
Reptile Keeper
UK source for reptile care sheets, forums, classified adverts, photos and video galleries, dealer directory, news and information.
Reptiles Park
Directory of links hosted by them, as well as top reptile sites elsewhere. Forums, and free webspace for private herp websites.
The EMBL Reptile Database
An Online Information Resource on Reptile Taxonomy with a Focus on the Species Level.
The Tame Beast
Reptile and Amphibian resource directory on the Internet.
tkReptiles Search Engine
Searchable database for breeders, supplies, reptile sites and care sheets.