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California Cavys, Caroline's Cavies of Nottinghamshire, Cavia Bella, Cool Beans Caviary, Critters on the Move Caviary, Curley Q Cavies, Desert Garden Caviary, Erin's Precious Pigs Caviary, Fort York Cavies, Guinea Pigs Unique
Personal Pages
Al's Piggie World, Alison's Guinea Pigs, Alyssa Buecker's Guinea Pig Tales, Cavy Canada, Cavy Clan Homepage, Cinamon and Peper's Guinea Pig Place, Cinnamon and Snowberry's Web Page, Cyber Piggies, Cyborg GuineaPigs, Diddly-Di's Piggy Pages
Rescues and Shelters
United Kingdom, Baraboo Area Guinea Pig Rescue, Cavy Care Inc., Cavy Companions, Cavy Corner, Cavy Spirit Rescue, Crazy for Cavies, Guinea Pig Adoption Network, Guinea Pig Rescue and Adoption, Hamilton Guinea Rescue, Have-A-Heart Guinea Pig Rescue
Alayne's Cavy Corner
General information about guinea pigs, pictures, and links.
aLs Piggie World
Guinea Pig artwork, care, handling, housing, feeding, pregnancy, choosing a cavy and games.
American Cavy Breeders Association
Non-profit organization dedicated to furthering interest in the cavy through breeding and exhibition.
Advice on care, pictures, and noises.
Caleb's Cavy Cave
Providing information on guinea pigs. Includes FAQ and a forum.
Canny Cavies
Vet tips, pictures, cavy breed quiz, and links.
Cavies Galore
Message boards, games, polls, and a cavy FAQ.
Cavy Breeders UK
Provides contact details of cavy breeders in the UK organised by breed.
Cavy Cages
Information about cages and accessories, including suppliers.
Cavy Capers
Care information, classifieds, facilities, penpals, product search and a guest picture and artwork gallery.
Cavy Compendium
Guinea pig community with forums, FAQs, games, and chat.
Cavy Corral
Cavy Corral provides information for Cavie owners that can be useful for newies. Pages include topics on behaviour, Housing, Maintenance, Diet, Grooming and Health.
Cavy Crazy
Collection of cavy forums.
Cavy Shack
Links, poll, care guide, and pictures.
Guinea pigs by Heather, with links to her other favorite pet as well as links to Carey's sites more generally.
Information for first time and current guinea pig owners including care and maintenance recommendations. Online gift store.
Comfy Cavies
Free guinea pig clipart, boarding service, petcare advice and lots of fun stuff for cavy and small pet lovers.
Critter Corral
Rescue located in Steger Illinois, near Chicago. Includes photos and descriptions of available cavies.
Fantasy Animal Imagery
Information on cavies. This cavie breeder is also selling young cavies.
An active, world wide mail list. Membership features include: Photo collections, active polls, links to everything piggie, box training guide, creative caging, andhealth care resources.
Galen's Garden
An opinion on the approach to care of guinea pigs.
Greg's Guinea Pig Advice
Information about care, feeding, exercise, habitat, and health.
Guinea Pig Galore
Care, breeding, links, and pictures.
Guinea Pig Info
Includes forums and a directory of websites.
Guinea Pig Quick -Brief
Short pet feature by Colin Dalziel on why guinea pigs make the ideal family pet.
Guinea Pigs
Information on the guinea pig, its history, the types, and related links.
Guinea Pigs Society
Provides pictures, cavy experience stories, chat, links, poll, and calendar.
Guinea Pigs World
Containing guinea pig pictures, FAQs, breeds and information.
Guinea Pigs! Die Knoeddelmeister!
Find information about guinea pigs, photos, links and meet my own cavies.
Guinea Pigs' Homepage
Includes information on care, quizzes, and photo galleries.
Learn how to look after your guinea pig, chat, read animal jokes and view a photo gallery.
History of the Guinea Pig
A summary of scientific knowledge, including taxonomy, history of domestication, and traditional husbandry practices in the Andean region of South America.
Jackie's Guinea Piggies
Information on Guinea Pig care, rescues, art work, animations, piggy links.
lots of guinea pigs
Guinea pig information, health care, pictures and stories.
Meet the Guinea Pigs at The Sanctuary
Pictures and care information about Guinea Pigs.
Nearly Hairless Club
Information about two breeds of Hairless Guinea Pigs: Skinny Pigs and Baldwin Guinea Pigs, includes photos and craft ideas.
Peter Gurney
Includes news, gallery, care, books, and information on proper care.
Piggy Lovers Unite
Provides a forum. Topics include nutrition, health/emergency, playtimes/cage-questions, and loss help.
Porkchop's Piggy Palace
About our guinea pigs with pictures, links, and helpful information.
S.A.L. Cavies
FAQ, health alert, pregnancy topics, dietary information, and general store.
Seagull's Guinea Pig Compendium
Care guide, general articles, links, and vet finder.
Squeeks n Squeels Cavies
Information on cavies. This cavie breeder is also selling young cavies.
St Austell and District Cavy Club
Information and pictures about guinea pig care, how to show them and details of the club's shows.
The Guinea Pigs' Daily Digest
An electronic newsletter. Includes chat room, fora, links, archives, and subscribing and unsubscribing information.
The Piggy Palace
Features health care information, poetry, and Pig of the Month contest.
The Texas Cavy Fanciers
Features information about the care and handling of guinea pigs.
Wheek all about it
Links to discussion forums and Yahoo group, with information about cavy care.