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Bendix Radio Corp.
A History of the Bendix Field Engineering Co. That includes some information on Bendix radios.
Bletchley Park
Britain's best kept secret. WW2 Deciphering location, offering historical tours.
Early History of Yaesu Musen in Australia
This site gives an insite into the marketing of Yaesu Musen SSB equipment on the Australian Amateur Radio market in the early 1960's.
Eric's Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography
Biographies of some of the great inventors, scientists and radio pioneers.
Frederick Terman - By Ed Sharpe
Biography of radio man Frederick Terman.
Hallicrafters Co.
After the destruction of hallicrafters.com by hallicrafters.net the companyt decided to come out and defend their good name with this web page.
K5MB Remembers...
His Early Days of Ham Radio in the 1950s.
KA0VSL, Jim Zellmer Museum
Vintage equipment, and the men and women who worked for the American radio companies who made them.
Lin Robertson's Old-Time Radio
KJ6EF. Radio history, collectors' pages, and an Internet radio station devoted to old time radio.
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
From Adventures in CyberSound: History of radio and the related media.
Nathan Stubblefield
Kentucky farmer invents wireless telephone. But was it radio? Facts and folklore about Nathan Stubblefield by Bob Lochte.
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) M
Links to virtual electronic warfare exhibits. Pictures and articles about WW2 British Radios and similar equipment.
Shortwave History on the Net
Comprehensive listing of articles about the history of shortwave radio.
Sinclair Products
Pictorial history of Clive Sinclair's radios and electronic gadgets, produced in Cambridge, England beginning in the 1950s.
The Dawn of Amateur Radio in the UK and Greece
This is actually a BOOK on-line detailing MOST of the history of electricity and electronics, as they affected amateur radio.
The Geloso Story
Excellent history of this great Italian manufacturer who supplied hams with transmitters, receivers, and VFOs.
The Sounds of a Spark Transmitter
An on-line, academic work
United States Early Radio History
Articles about early radio and related technologies, concentrating on the United States from 1900 to 1927.
Wireless for the Warrior. The history of British A
History and technical development of British Army radio comm equipment up to the 1950s
World of Wireless
Extensive information on the early history of radio.
Wumpus's Old Radio World
Radio history, older German radios, and crystal sets.