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Letter from Agnes Baden-Powell to Marconi
Lady Olave
Olave Baden Powell: Mother Of Millions, Olave Baden-Powell, Chief Girl Guide
Lord Robert of Gilwell
Biography, Portraits and Photos, B.P.'s Yarns, Baden-Powell - The History Of Scouting - Scouting, Baden-Powell Resources, Baden-Powell, Scouting, Guiding, and Covent Garden, Beginnings of Scouting, Christianity, religion, and Scouting, Grave of B-P, Informal Education and BP, Manlifter Kite by BP, Paintings by Baden-Powell
Baden-Powell, Warington
Biographical note on the founder of Sea Scouting.
Reflections on Baden-Powell
Historical article about the founder and scouting by Richard A. Voeltz
The Baden-Powell Family
Short biographical sketches of the three BP Scouting founders: Robert Baden-Powell, Agnes Baden-Powell, and Olave Baden-Powell.