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AgentZ WorldWide Scouting Resources
Provides some general pinewood derby information and a DOS-based race management software package.
Offers aluminum pinewood derby tracks.
Offers software for managing pinewood derby races. The software supports registration, multiple race formats, PC projection, and interfaces to common timers.
GrandPrix Software Central
Offers software for managing pinewood derby races. The software supports registration, several race scheduling methods, and a variety of parallel and serial port electronics.
Micro Wizard
Offers timers and software for pinewood derby race management.
NewBold Products
Offers a variety of pinewood derby timers and finish lines.
Piantedosi Oars
Offers hardwood pinewood derby tracks.
Offers a free pinewood derby race management application.
Offers pinewood derby race management software.
Scoring Spreadsheet
Excel spreadsheet for scoring a pinewood derby race.
Scoring Spreadsheet
Offers a free pinewood derby scoring spreadsheet for three-lane tracks.
Offers a timer and a photo finish system for pinewood derby race management.
Offers pinewood derby timing and race-management systems.
Swanberg Technologies
Offers a simple timer for the pinewood derby.
The Grand Prix Organizer
Offers software to organize Grand Prix and pinewood derby events. Features include: job descriptions, badges, drivers licenses, sign-up sheets, a scheduling tool, and gospel messages.
Offers pinewood derby timing and race-management systems
Tournament Chart Maker
Offers a double elimination automated tournament management program. The program has several run-time modes, a two to five competitors mode, and a other features to help run a derby.