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United Kingdom
Ashwhin Retreats, Emmaus House, Global Retreat Centre, Lendrick Lodge, Shanti-Nilaya
All About Retreats: Referral and Information Servi
A one-stop resource for retreat centers, conference planners, workshop facilitators, retreat properties for sale, upstarts and managers.
Find the Divine
Directory of religious and spiritual retreats in US. Retreat centers list programs in a regional calendar and seekers can find spiritual direction and assistance.
Retreat Finder
Directory of personal retreats, group retreats, and facility rentals spanning all spiritual and healing traditions including yoga and meditation vacations.
Retreats Online
A resource of retreats, worldwide.
Sacred Passage and The Way of Nature Fellowship
Conducts spiritual and shamanic retreats, vision quests, Buddhist meditation, Dzogchen training, and Taoist T'ai Chi and Qigong training in natural wildernesses. Also, Rites of Passage for young and adults.
Sammasati Seminars
Three day Enlightenment Intensives offered throughout Canada, U.S. and Mexico.
Sedona Spiritual Retreats
Programs to celebrate and bring our body and spirit into presence and awareness through time out on the land.
Tend and Befriend, A Women's Weekend Retreat
Weekend retreats for women seeking emotional and spiritual renewal, offered in an atmosphere of ceremony and fun. Women's circles, yoga, simple accommodations, spiritual crafts, guest facilitators.
Women's Spirit Center
A women's spirituality center. Courses and events. A place for connection, solitude, to be still and touch the self within. Seattle, Washington.