english deutsch
Specializes in architectural study tours of Europe. Themes range from contemporary art and architecture to classical ruins.
Guided tours and study trips by architects in the Netherlands and in Germany. From architectural city walks to complete arrangements for several days [English/Dutch/German]
Specialized tours featuring the history of Rome as seen through its architectural and cultural heritage. Tour highlights, accommodation details, and booking request.
Architectural Dialogue
Information about contemporary and historical architecture tours around London.
Tours in the Netherlands with Anneke Bokern, covering contemporary and classical modern architecture and urbanism. Ranging from half days to several days, on foot, by bike or bus. [English/German]
Art and Architectural Tours
Florida-based provider of guided art and architectural educational tours in Europe and seminars. Details of tours, photographs, registration form.
Art and Architectural Tours and Seminars
Architectural and art tours of Europe for lovers of art, architecture, art history and food. Continuing education tours and seminars for architects and interior designers.
Company offering specially made guided tours and lectures in English and Swedish of Swedish cultural heritage, covering architecture, art and history. Focus on Stockholm.
Doctor Thomson's Tours
Personally guided city tours, day trips to France and Belgium. Various tours in medieval Canterbury, England. World War I and II battlefields.
John Hall Pre-University Course
Designed for gap year students, offering an introduction to Italian and European civilisation in London, Venice, Florence, and Rome. Art, architecture, sculpture, music, cinema, photography, painting.
Network of Architectural Guided Tours
International network of architectural guided tours by architects, architectural historians or writers. Links to other sites. [English/German]
Restoration Travel
Trips for travelers who want to help preserve historic landmarks and world heritage sites while they explore and enjoy new places. Destinations, packages, reservations.
An architect and a philologist team up to offers special tours into ancient and modern Rome and southern Italy. Itineraries with photographs.
Syam Kuk
Khmer art and architecture in South East Asia. Itinerary and expedition information. (Multilingual)
The Landmark Trust
A charity which rescues buildings of historic or architectural importance, and makes them available as tourist accommodations.
UK Cathedrals
Tour excursions highlight small group tours into cathedrals and castles of the United Kingdom.