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Acronym Finder
Searchable database of 375,000+ acronyms and meanings, with over 90,000 military and government acronyms.
DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
US DoD Joint Acronyms & Abbreviations master database
Military Acronyms
Military acronyms grouped alphabetically.
Military Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations
Indexed online database of military shorthand terms.
Contains over 5,700 US Department of Defense terms and over 100,000 military and government acronyms and abbreviations.
Space and Electronic Warfare Lexicon
Acronyms and terms relating to space warfare, electronic warfare, general warfare, nonlethal warfare, computers, the internet, and related technologies. Most terms have source citations. Includes links to similar sites.
Tech-Writer.net - Aerial Reconnaissance and Imager
Mostly military acronyms.
United States Navy Patrol Squadrons
Glossary of acronyms and terminology with links to additional collections of related vocabulary.
US Military and State Abbreviations and Acronyms
Contains about 11,000 abbreviations, acronyms and aircraft designations of all military branches.
USAAF Abbreviations
Glossary of abbreviations and terms used in the United States Army Airforces.