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Alcor Rhyming Dictionaries
Online rhyming dictionaries in Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and German.
AnalogX - Rhyme
[Windows] A rhyming program. Knows over 100,000 words. It can rhyme words forward, backwards, and with matching syllable counts.
AnsMe.com Rhyming Dictionary
Enter a word in the search box and see a collection of words that rhyme with it.
Lexical FreeNet
Allows you to search for rhymes and relationships between words and concepts.
[Windows 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000] Software. Free trial version available for download. Rhyming dictionary and other lexical tools.
Semantic Rhyming Dictionary
Rhyming dictionary and thesaurus: rhymes, near rhymes, homophones synonyms, and semantic siblings of English words.
Word Central
Student dictionary and rhyming dictionary online at Merriam-Webster's website. Daily Buzzword by subscription.
WriteExpress Online Rhyming Dictionary
Online dictionary for poetry and songwriting.