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Address and Phone Numbers
Area Codes, Indexes, Mobile Phone, Postal Codes, Toll Free, White Pages, Yellow Pages, 140Online, 411 Information, All Nations Telephone Search Engine, AnyWho, Apni Directory, Email Address Finder, GeoPortals.com, Inc., Infobel, InfoSpace, InfoUSA
AOL E-Mail Finder, Bigfoot Directories, College and University E-Mail, EmailChange.com, EmailFinder and URLFinder, Find Email Addresses, Find mE-Mail, Free Email Guide, FreshAddress.com, InfoSpace Email Search
Business Reference Page
Links to directories of business information, phone numbers, government resources, maps, FAQs, dictionaries, and financial calculations.
Sources for quick answers to reference questions.
IPL Associations on the Net
Search Associations on the Internet through the Internet Public Library.
Provides access to multiple phone, reference, geographic, business, search, and media databases with integrated search tools.
Reference collection including dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, maps, reading lists, and quotations.
Martindale's Reference Desk
Large collection of links to reference resources, including language centers, calculators, maps, and science tables.
Melissa Data
ZIP Codes, area codes, cities, states, addresses, information about non-profit organizations, people who have contributed to political campaigns, and demographics.
Professionals on the Internet
Free membership international directory of professionals.
A one-stop site for all things Internet including news, weather, sports, reference, encyclopedia (50 areas), facts on file, FAQs, tutorials, search engines, Win95, free stuff, and games. Includes over 20,000 links.
A large categorized collection of reference links to over 600 different sites.
The Info Service
An enormous reference resource featuring links in categories like programming, computer help, genealogy, hobbies, business and travel.
The Internet Lost and Found
Free worldwide directory listings of lost and found property.
The Virtual Community of Associations
Online directory of U.S. associations.
Trussel's EclectiCity
Links cataloged in the form of on-line publishing: stories, articles, dictionaries, bibliographies, song-lists, word-lists, phone-lists, translations...
Virtual Learning Resources Center
Search a collection of resources recommended by librarians and educators. Select from subject specific databases or general web sites, news sources, or electronic text archives.