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Canada Post: Postal Code Lookup
Look up postal codes for any address in Canada. Also look up address ranges for given postal codes.
DirectMailQuotes LLC
Zip code directory lookup as well as postal rates, regulations, glossary of mailing terms.
Free ZIP Code Lookup
Free zipcode lookup with areacode, county, latitude, longitude, MSA, PMSA, congressional district, FIPS code, and timezone. Updated monthly.
Free ZIP Code Lookup
Free United States ZIP code lookup. Listing by zip codes or state names.
International Mailing Address Formats
Includes format information and/or examples for many countries, and links to additional references.
KJL Software, Inc.
Databases of US ZIP Code and Area Code information.
Links to Post Office Pages
Links and resources for postal code and international address and address format data.
National Address and ZIP+4 Browser
Interactively browse all address and ZIP+4 records in the United States.
Postage Rates Worldwide
Current postage rates, Domestic, Europe, USA, cards and letters, in over 60 countries
Postage rates worldwide
Directory of mail rates (domestic & international letter rates) with links to the rate calculators or rate tables of postal services in most countries of the world. email rate queries supported.
Postal rates, post codes, philately and Postal Authorities around the world.
Simply Zip Codes
ZIP code, city/state, area code lookup along with distance calculations and population data.
SpeedKeys is a fast and easy zip code, city, state and area code look-up program. It can also generate an optional PostNET Barcode.
Standard US Postal Service Abbreviations
Lists the correct abbreviations for each of the states to be used when addressing envelopes.
The National Address Server
"Given a valid U.S. postal address, this server attempts to rewrite the address in the proper format along with the ZIP+4 code."
United States Postal Service: Zip Code Lookup
Find the postal code for a United States address.
ZIP Code Lookup
Lets you get a list of all ZIP codes in a city, county, or area code.
United States. Includes some statistics and histories of the post office and of the development of the ZIP (zone improvement plan).
Java applet which maps United States zip codes on a map, reducing possible matches as the number is typed.
ZIPFind's Postal Code Calculator and Data
Calculate distance in miles between two ZIP Codes. Find all ZIP Codes within a radius of a ZIP Code.