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ADEC Distance Education Consortium
An international consortium of state universities and land grant institutions providing high quality and economic distance education programs and services via the latest and most appropriate information technologies.
Adult Education Network (AEN)
The AEN promotes the activities of its members. These include clubs, associations, special interest groups and service organisations in South Africa.
AECT WebSite
The mission of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology is to provide leadership in educational communications and technology by linking professionals holding a common interest in the use of educational technology and its application to the learning process.
African Distance Learning Association
ADLA is the major supporting vehicle for Open Colleges and Virtual Universities of Africa.
Alabama Distance Learning Association
Works to promote distance learning in Alabama.
Arizona Distance Learning Association
Purpose is to promote the development and application of distance learning for education and training. The constituents served include Pre-K through grade 12 education, higher education, home school education, continuing education, corporate training, military and government training, and telemedicine.
Association of Chartered Treasury Managers
ACTM identifies itself with the role of organizing and bringing the globally relevant body of knowledge in treasury management together for the development of the treasury profession.
Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE)
A national organization of professionals committed to excellence in the provision of distance education in Canada.
The New Zealand association for professionals working in flexible, open and networked education. Fostering growth, development, research and good practice in these areas.
Distance Learning Association (DLA)
The founding mission of DLA is to enhance the educational experience and career level of its members seeking distance learning opportunities.? DLA was established to support adults in pursuit of their goals and occupational skills.
EFODL - European Federation for Open and Distance
Represents the pan-European network of national networks for ODL that provides services to the benefit of professional organisations involved in the development, distribution and use of technology based ODL for employees and job seekers.
ElNet - Elearning Network of Australasia
An independent community of elearning professionals working in the elearning industry. Members come from a range of corporate, government and educational organisations throughout Australia and New Zealand.
Ethiopian Distance Learning Association
Committed to the education of the Ethiopian youth in collaboration with grass root organizations including The International Open College of Ethiopia, the Virtual School of Ethiopian Studies and the Ethiopian Virtual University.
European Association of Distance Teaching Universi
a strategic level organisation whose European activities and projects support and advance goals towards achieving its mission: to promote and support the creation of a European network for higher level distance education.
European Distance Learning and E-Learning Network
For the open, distance, and e-learning community in Europe.
Federal Government Distance Learning Association (
A chapter of the US Distance Learning Association (USDLA). The goal of the FGDLA is to promote distance learning within the federal government.? To accomplish this goal, the FGDLA coordinates with the Government Alliance for Training and Education (GATE) and the Government Education and Training Network (GETN).? The Government Resources Capabilities Directory? (GRCD) provides a way for government agencies to publish training resources and capabilities.
Florida Distance Learning Association
A non-profit association formed to promote the development and application of distance learning in the public and private sectors and all levels of education: K-12, area education agencies, higher education, continuing education, information sciences, corporate training and education, and the military.
Garden State Distance Learning Consortium
Non-profit association of educators for teachers to promote the development and application of distance learning. New Jersey, USA.
The International Centre for Distance Learning (ICDL) On-line Information Service.
Inter-American Distance Learning Consortium - CREA
A not-for-profit consortium of individuals and institutions throughout the Americas which promotes the use of educational technology and distance education.
International Association for Distance Learning (I
Established to promote quality in distance education and training, and to provide approval and recognition of open and distance learning programmes and their providers.
International Council for Open and Distance Educat
The ICDE web site. Information on our organization, memberships and World Conference in Vienna 1999.
Maryland Distance Learning Association
An association of professionals who advocate and promote the coordination and use of distance learning in Maryland and throughout the region.
Missouri Distance Learning Association (MoDLA)
Promotes the effective application of distance learning strategies to maximize access, equity, and quality of educational resources for teachers and learners of all ages.
National Association of DE Organisations of South
Association committed to promoting access to lifelong learning of high quality.
NCODE - Flexible Learning Australasia
Australian organisation for institutions engaged in or interested in open, distance and flexible education.
Oklahoma Distance Learning Association
Seeks to promote the development and application of distance learning in education and training in Oklahoma.
SACHED, South Africa
For over 30 years SACHED (South African Committee for Higher Education) has worked in the field of distance education to widen access to learning for marginalised communities.
South African Institute for Distance Education
SAIDE was formed in 1992 to assist in the reconstruction of education and training in South Africa by promoting open learning principles and the use of approaches and methods of quality distance education. SAIDE works closely with educational institutions, as well as national and provincial governments, to translate these approaches into practice.
South Carolina Partnership for Distance Education
A collaborative organization of higher education institutions, school districts, libraries, governmental agencies, and businesses working to increase access to education for all the states citizens through the use of technology.
Texas Distance Learning Association
Membership is open to all individuals, statewide, nationwide, and around the world, who are interested in promoting the sensible application of distance learning strategies to maximize access, equity, and quality of educational resources for teachers and learners of all ages.
The Association for Applied Interactive Multimedia
Created to support professionals who use and develop interactive multimedia for education and training. The mission of AAIM is to bring together through communication, workshops, conferences, and this web site practicing multimedia professionals, educators, trainers, and those considering using multimedia and related applications
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
An international organisation created by Commonwealth Heads of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning/distance education resources and technologies. COL is helping developing nations improve access to quality education and training.
The Distance and Education Training Council
A non-profit educational association which serves as a clearinghouse of information about the distance study/correspondence field.
The Education Coalition
TEC works to create new public educational systems, models and partnerships. We serve as a focus for development, dissemination, research, advocacy and funding related to educational change and the use of technologies.
The Open and Distance Learning Association of Aust
Works to advance the practice and study of distance education in Australia, foster communication between distance educators, and maintain and extend links with other national and international associations with related aims and objectives.
Uninet - The South African academic and research n
Uninet's main objective is "to provide a computer network that works to the standards of the Internet, for the use of every academic, researcher and student in South Africa" [http://www.frd.ac.za/uninet.html)
United States Distance Learning Association
A non-profit association formed to promote the development and application of distance learning for education and training. Includes K-12 education, higher education, continuing education, corporate training, and military and government training.
University Continuing Education Association
International association of accredited universities and colleges providing undergraduate, graduate and professional education via the Internet, satellite television, independent study, and part-time study.
Web-Based Training Information Center (WBT)
A non-profit resource for individuals and organizations interested in developing and delivering training using web technology. The intent of this site is to share non-proprietary information, stimulate creative ideas, and link to interesting training sites around the world. No product or service is offered at this site.
West Virginia Network
Information and services for users of statewide network system for public colleges and universities.
World Association for Online Education (WAOE)
A non profit international professional organization concerned with online pedagogy. WAOE offers membership services relevant to educators concerned with teaching online, public services for international society, and collaboration with other educational organizations functioning in cyberspace.