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About Teaching
Published online by the University of Delaware's Center for Teaching Effectiveness, focussing on information about learning, college teaching, and professional development to faculty and TAs.
Academic Exchange Quarterly
Independent and not for profit, peer refereed journal, welcomes research, commentary, and other manuscripts that contribute to the effective instruction and learning regardless of level or subject.
Chronicle of Higher Education
Weekly news and job-information source for college and university faculty members, administrators, and students
Excellence in College Teaching
Electronic journal, articles available in HTML and PDF.
Innovative Higher Education
Journal devoted to presenting descriptions and evaluations of innovations and provocative new ideas in higher education, and their effect on teaching and students (online abstracts).
National Teaching and Learning Forum
Periodical devoted to discussion of teaching and learning in higher education.
The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
Dedicated to the conscientious investigation of the status and prospects for African Americans in higher education.