english deutsch
101 Things
101 Things You Can Do the First Three Weeks of Class, by Joyce Povlacs Lunde
A Berkeley Compendium of Suggestions for Teaching
Presented as a series of suggestions for improving teaching, this compendium describes more than 200 teaching techniques that faculty members have found to be effective in their courses at the University of California, Berkeley.
California Community Colleges' Best Practices
Offers resources, teaching tips and links for education professionals in the areas of curriculum,professional development, student support, performance evaluation and partnerships.
College Resources for Students and Faculty - The N
Articles related to college teaching and learning with a special section for faculty resources.
Gender Equity
Achieving Gender Equity in Science Classrooms: A Guide for faculty.
Graduate Student Instructors (GSI) Guidebook
Resource for teaching assistants at the University of Michigan.
Guidebook for Teaching Labs at University of Michi
Sections on goals of laboratory classes, the roles of a lab graduate student instructor, preparing for and teaching a lab class, helping students work collaboratively, and grading.
Instructional Development Center
Queen's University. Materials to help teaching assistants further their careers and improve their teaching.
New Tools for Teaching
Resource list by J.J. O'Donnell.
TAs as Teachers
A handbook for teaching assistants at UCSB.
Teaching Tips
Collection of tips for TAs at UCSB.