english deutsch
Bright Star - Black Sky
A phenomenological study of depression as a window into the psyche of the gifted adolescent.
Classroom Problems with Gifted/Creative Children
Lists creative traits in gifted children, along with the classroom problem each trait can cause.
Dabrowski's Overexcitabilities
A layman's explanation by Stephanie Tolan.
Emotional Needs of the Gifted
Examines the social aspects of being gifted.
Existential Depression in Gifted Individuals
What is it? Why does it disproportionately affect our gifted youth?
Joy and Loss: The Emotional Lives of Gifted Childr
Gifted children have unique emotional needs. In addition to their skills and success, they are typically more lonely, more perfectionistic, and in more pain.
Neither Freak Nor Geek: The Gifted Among Us
Education Week article by James R. Delisle
SENGifted.org: Gifted Students with Attention Defi
As the frequency of school disabilities attributed to attention deficits continues to soar, there are increasing reasons to believe that many bright youngsters claimed to suffer from ADHD and other problems of concentration may be misdiagnosed.
Solutions for Unique Minds is an educational consulting and advocacy organization that serves families with gifted and twice exceptional children. SUMS is located in Austin, TX.
The Difficulties of a Young Gifted Child: Lessons
Young gifted child who had trouble reading;a Professional case study of Aaron.