english deutsch
Cerebral Palsy Grassroots Organization
Message board for parents who are homeschooling their disabled children.
Home educating children with special educational n
The home site of the HE-SPECIAL-UK mailing list. Articles about home education (home schooling)and special educational needs. Book reviews in association with Amazon.co.uk. A quarterly online newsletter.
MSN Groups: Homeschooling The Child With Special N
An online community for parents homeschooling ADHD, dyslexia, and other special needs children.
Topica Lists: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Home Educator
Email support for parents coping with the special challenges of teaching children afflicted with FAS.
Yahoo! Groups: CM Special Kids
An email list for those using Charlotte Mason homeschooling methods for special needs children.
Yahoo! Groups: DevDelay6andunder
Email list for parents of special needs and developmentally delayed children aged six and under.
Yahoo! Groups: Homeschooling Kids with Disabilitie
Email list for parents/grandparents/guardians who are homeschooling children with special educational needs, and professionals in the disabilities field.
Yahoo! Groups: HSKids-SpecialNeeds
Email list for homeschooling parents who are educating their kids with special needs.