english deutsch
Offers downloadable free worksheets in math and spelling.
Ann For Education
Contains links to educational references and resource. Targets the homeschooler and those who choose alternate education.
B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper
Links to aid in homework categorized by subject.
Cindy's Homeschooling and Educational Resourc
Links to information on homeschooling, unit studies, lesson plans, Bible, free worksheets, teaching resources, field trips, and used curriculum.
Eagle's Wings
Offers links to free lesson plans, worksheets, ideas, and other helpful information for the homeschooling parent. Also provides updates on the Eagle's Wings Christian Library.
Homeschool Highway to Learning
Designed to help new homeschoolers quickly find homeschooling resources.
Homeschooling Adventures on the Web
Find free worksheets, lesson plans, unit studies, homework help, teacher tips and resources. Subjects listed by category or grade.
Mama's Helper - Homeschool Links
Links to worksheets, lesson plans, homeschool laws and legislation, educational downloads, newsgroups, and newsletters.
Pacific Ocean
A source for those who are interested in the Pacific Ocean and the animal life found there. Pictures and facts will keep you at this one for a long time.
Pigskin Geography
A program that teaches U.S. geography through the use of the NFL schedule in your local newspaper.
Social Studies School Service Home
Features more than 15,000 books, videocassettes, CD-ROMs, posters and more that can be ordered online. Free resources include catalogs, annotated Web sites, sample lessons from activity books, and original online activities.
Stardust Christian Academy
State outline maps, Canadian Province outline maps, and links to resources for educators and parents.
StrongBrains - Objectivist Self-Education
Emphasizes selected books and related materials on key topics, primarily though not exclusively addressed to teens and adults.
The Christian Debater
Homeschool speakers and debaters help.
The Virtual School
Provides previewed educational sites and specific skills training to children and adolescents.