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Dave Nettell and Associates
An educational consulting firm specializing in communication, re-structuring, and strategic planning for schools, districts, and county offices of education throughout the United States as well as abroad.
Discipline Associates
Training programs/seminars targeted towards educators and administrators working with difficult students.
An educational safety training and consulting firm working with children, adolescents and adults who exhibit aggressive and sometimes violent behaviors.
J. Berra Engineering
Crisis management plan for schools.
Korman Dorsey Ellis, esq.
Legal defense of schools and school districts. Services include consulting on school related safety. Located in California.
National Institute for School and Workplace Safety
Safety and security services to schools and workplaces. Services offer include training, onsite assessments and monitoring software.
National School Safety and Security Services
School security and crisis preparedness training, assessments, and consulting services. Gangs, drugs, weapons, violence and police-school support nationwide.
New Century Solutions
Safe school practioners specializing in school crisis response, school security and safe school management plans.
Subscription based service providing customizable scripts for school crisis events.
Safe Schools Coalition, Inc.
Topics of conferences include youth violence and substance abuse, school crisis management, sexual assault and harassment, and alternatives to suspension and expulsion.
Schoenfeldt and Associates
A national consulting firm specializing in school safety and crisis preparedness training, response plan assessments, and related crisis preparedness consulting for schools and business.
School Crisis Management
Educational consultant specializing in school safety and school crisis response training, crisis response plan assessments, and related crisis preparedness consulting for schools and business.
School Safety Consultants
Workshops provide fact-based information related to characteristics of safe schools, school security assessments and the development of an effective crisis management plan.
SERA Learning - Skills for Managing Anger
Providing training and curriculum for a comprehensive anger management program for grade 6-12 schools and juvenile violence prevention programs.
TeacherVision.com School Safety
Learning Network lesson plans and online supplemental resources for teaching school safety, conflict resolution, and violence prevention to K-12 students.
US Safe Schools
School safety and security consulting company providing safety and security-related services for schools.