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Holistic Education
Great Ideas in Education, Holistic Education - Tasmanian WWW Site, Holistic education @ the encyclopedia of informal , Holistic Education Network of Tasmania
A very comprehensive list of links to essays, articles and other resources on constructivism. Includes a section on "Opposition to the theory."
Constructivism in Science Education
Links, essays and information on constuctivism, by the Virginia Association of Science Teachers. Contains links to other web sites and essays/journals on constructivism. Some information on Piaget and Vygotsky.
Constructivism Links
Very comprehensive site. Contains links to other sites on constructivism. Includes sections on Sociocultural Theory, Enactivism, Postmodern Thought as well as links to information about Bartlett, Seely Brown, Bruner, Dewey, Fisher, Hanley, Piaget, von Glaserfeld, and Vygotsky.
Constructivism Mind Map
Constructivism Mind Map. Describes overall principles, goals of constructivist education, and the roles of teachers and learners.
Constructivism, Workplace Learning, and Vocational
Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which shows how constructivism relates to vocational education.
Constructivism: From Philosophy to Practice
Contains sections on constructivist epistemology, learning theory, characteristics of constructivism, and constructivist checklist for educators.
Constructivist Learning Design Paper
Describes the constructivist approach to "designing for learning" rather than planning for teaching. Includes sections on constructivist learning design and educational precedents.
Higher Level Thinking
Using constructivist approaches, this site provides a model that uses the primary colors of light as an organizer for teaching three basic kinds of thinking.