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Academic Gameplan
Coaches students from junior high through college on how to get organized, how to take effective notes, and how to improve grades.
Accelerated Learning Network
Home study program using the theory of multiple intelligences. Language learning and corporate training also offered.
Accelerated Learning Resources
Learning styles resources for tactile and kinaesthetic learners.
Awesome Grades in Math and Science
Offers students and parents a guide to succeed in math and science classes.
Offers laminated study guides on a variety of subjects.
Chapter Guides
Online book notes and study guides for over 300 books.
College Counseling Online
Educational council focused on academic seminars and workshops on educational planning and preparation for college.
Discovery Channel School
Offers homework help with world book online.
e Learn Aid
Sells dictionaries on CD and books on the basics of how to study.
English Literature Resources
Resources and links for students studying English Literature.
Homework Planet
Homework and research resources for students of different ages.
Homework Solutions
Solutions to homework problems to Physics and Math.
Interactive Study Skills Workshops
Students of all ages learn how to learn using effective strategies.
Literacy Help
Illiteracy and learning disorder solutions for slow learners.
Study aids and reference charts on over 400 subjects.
Pocket Basics
Selling pocket guides that build children's self-confidence in their academic ability.
Downloadable guides to studying and revising for exams.
SchoolAtlas Writing Center
Includes downloads and detailed explanations of research papers and essays.
Self-Study Writing Skills Books
Offers practical business writing skills books that can be used for self-study, as training tools, and for reference.
Sleep Learning
Instructs how to comprehend important information while sleeping.
Study Smart, Inc.
Workshops to help students learn to be effective and efficient.
Study Systemizer
Curriculum of strategies and materials to be successful in secondary education
Turbo Read
Helps to improve speed, comprehension, and memory for school and work.
Visual Education Study Card Sets
Study card sets for college entrance exams, math, science and technology and language areas.