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CEC Career Connections
JobMatch is an online, searchable listing of job vacancies in all areas of special education (private schools, public schools, and universities).
Lopez, Deb
Special Education teacher in Arizona.
National Clearinghouse for Professions in Special
Federally funded resource for educators of children and youth with disabilities. Includes career information, employment information, and research on special education teaching and related services professionals.
Oregon Recruitment and Retention JOBS Clearinghous
On-line clearinghouse of special education and related service jobs in Oregon and information about recruitment, retention, and licensure.
The School-to-Work Outreach Project (STWOP)
The project was a nationwide, three year project funded by the U.S. Department of Education to improve school-to-work activities including students with disabilities by identifying and sharing school-to-work models/practices/strategies that work.
Total Education Solutions
Special education compliance and staffing services for public education agencies throughout the nation.
U.Va. Special Education Jobs Board
Provides descriptions of positions available and wanted in teaching and related areas of special education.