english deutsch
Old Testament
Collection of 39 religious texts, called books, in Judaism (referred to as "Bible") and Christianity. Includes list of books.
City in Sudan with 1.5 million inhabitants and situated on the western bank of the Nile. Important for market activities.
City in western Algeria with an estimated 860,000 inhabitants. Port ships natural petroleum, and many industrial products.
Derived from Latin word, meaning the lands where the sun rises, as seen from Europe.
Oslo 2 Agreement
Agreement between representatives for the Palestinian people, and the state of Israel. Concerned the West Bank, and covered security issues, Palestinian elections, transfer of land, transfer of civil power from Israel to Palestine, trade conditions between the two countries and release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons.
Oslo Agreement
Agreement between PLO and Israel that was signed on September 13, 1993. Name came from secret negotiations that had been conducted through 1993 outside Oslo, Norway.
Town in Mauritania with estimated 3,000 inhabitants and situated in Sahara, in the southeastern corner of the country. Economical base is trade and some agriculture.
City in Morocco with estimated 40,000 inhabitants. Center of Sahara tourism, with many luxury hotels. Has also served as the center of international film makers.
Ornate instrument made of wood, with six double strings, a pear-shaped body and a non-fretted neck. Originated in Pharaonic Egypt, where it was known as Nefer.
City in Morocco with an estimated 880,000 inhabitants, situated in northeastern Morocco, near the Algerian border. Economy is based upon communications, wine, citrus fruit, grapes, wheat, barley, vegetables, tobacco, sheep, wool and esparto grass, as well as lead, coal,and manganese.