english deutsch
Theoretical gospel, of which no parts exist, and of which there are no direct, nor indirect, historical sources.
Qaboos ibn Said
Arabic reference to Sultan and sole ruler of Oman since 1970. Includes biography. (1940- ).
Judge in Islam, whose responsibility is restricted to issues connected to religion.
Capital of Egypt with an estimated 8.2 million population. Includes culture, education, economy and history.
Independent monarchy (emirate), divided into 9 municipalities. Estimated 817,000 inhabitants. Borders Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
Depression in western Egypt, with a size of 19,500 km². Composed of sand desert, salt lakes and marshes.
Direction in which the believer is oriented for salat, the prayer of Islam. Located in a mosque, indicated by a mihrab, a niche in the wall.
City in Iran with over 780,000 inhabitants. Area grows grain, oilseeds, vegetables, cotton, fruits, nuts and opium poppies. Industries produce cotton textiles, shoes, pottery and glass.
Quds, Al
Arabic word for Jerusalem, capital of Israel, with over 610,000 inhabitants. Includes articles on culture, religious importance, economy and history timeline.