english deutsch
Capital of Morocco with an estimated 1.4 million inhabitants. Industries include manufacture of textiles, processed food and building materials.
Title of those learned in the Torah in Judaism. Now associated with term meaning minister in a specific synagogue.
Rabin, Yitzhak
Israeli politician, the country's 5th prime minister (1974-77, 1992-95), but the first to be born in the country. Includes biography. (1922-1995).
Arabic music style mixing modern, western rhythms and technology with a traditional music line.
Ninth month of the Hijra calendar, which is used in Islam. Often used as a synonym of sawm, the religious fasting festival that fills the entire month.
Ramadan War
Also known as Yom Kippur War and October War. Fought between Israel on one side, and Egypt and Syria on the other, backed by Iraq and Jordan and supported economically by Saudi Arabia. Began October 6, 1973 and ended on October 22 on the Syrian front, and on October 26 on the Egyptian front.
Ramses I
Egyptian pharoah, reigning from 1320 to 1318 and founder of the 19th dynasty.
Ramses II
Egyptian pharoah, ruling from 1304 to 1237 BCE and the 3rd Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty. Includes biography.
Ramses III
Egyptian pharoah, reigning from 1198 to 1166 BCE, in the 20th dynasty. Includes brief biography.
Red Sea
Sea between Africa and the Arabian peninsula, bordering Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. Length is 2,250 km.
Rif Mountains
Located in northern Morocco. Not part of the Atlas Mountains. Includes photo.
Capital of Saudi Arabia, with estimated 4 million inhabitants and situated in the middle of the country. Economy is connected to national administration and financial activities.
Rosh Hashanah
Celebration of the Jewish new year, taking place on the first and second of the month Tishri. Falls normally in October, but sometimes occurs in September.